thirty four

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"Those brownies are fucking amazing babe! You should become a baker." Liam moaned, taking one more, even tho he already had two.

All three boys were sitting on the couch, cuddled together. Liam had one arm around Niall, who was laying against his side, and the other one was holding the brownie.
Aiden was sitting on his dads lap, still munching on his first one. His whole face was covered in chocolate.

"Nahh I'm more a hobby baker, I prefer to write." Niall replied, whereupon Liam nodded with a smile. "I know, and it's good that way, you know? Because so, only Aiden and I can eat the delicious food you make."

Normally Niall could have gone home already, but at this point it probably won't ever happen again, that he'll leave to normal times. He definitely prefers to spend more time with Liam.

That means even when Aiden was in his bed sleeping, dreaming of all the things he wanted to do the next day, Niall was still downstairs talking and probably kissing with the little boys father.

"Your lips are so unbelievably soft, i could kiss them forever darling." Liam mumbled quietly, while he touched Niall's brown fluffy hair. The younger one chuckled. Liam loves to call him different nick and pet names, and he absolutely adores it.

"Why can't you stay the night?" Liam exclaimed sighing.

"Because I have to go to school tomorrow Mr Payne, and my dad would kill me, if I'm not coming home tonight, especially because it's just Monday." Niall explained to him, running his fingers up and down the mans chest.

Liam had put on a loose fitting T-shirt and got rid of his pants, which left him with his boxer shorts only.

"I understand Mr Horan, I still would like to spend the night with you. Just cuddling and kissing like we did the last time..."

"I would love that too, m-maybe we could do that on Thursday? And i-if it's okay with you... we could also do a bit more than just kissing?"

Liams eyes went wide in excitement.
"Really?!" He said happily, which made Niall smile shyly. It was more than obvious that Liam was a guy who enjoyed sex. Well at least for Niall it seemed like it, after the things he saw and also when he thinks of Liams body.

"Mhhh. I think I'm r-ready to go further, I don't know how far exactly yet but definitely more than the u-usual making out." Niall stuttered nervously.

Liam gave Niall a deep kiss and mumbled:
"Don't worry love, you decide how everything will go, I won't do anything you're not comfortable with. Everything in time."

"I know, and i l-love you for that. I know you will take care of my wellbeing." Niall replied quietly, definitely aware of his word choice. He used the word love, but it felt nice to say it. I mean- he didn't say that he loves Liam, at least not directly, he said that he loves that Liam takes things so slow with him.

The older one just smiled down at him again, staying quiet.
„But don't forget to get Aiden from Kindergarten tomorrow, yeah?" he said  after a while, in a calm and low voice. Probably to keep the warm and relaxing atmosphere.

„Oh uhm yeah." Niall replied. He thought back to the first time when he needed to go to the little boys kindergarten. They mistook him for Aidens other father. Even tho Aiden doesn't even had a second father ever, just a mom who left as soon as he was born .
But now you could almost say, that Niall took over the part of being one of Aidens parents, right? But he still isn't a Payne. And won't be anytime soon.

„Everything's alright Love? If you want I could try to finish work early tomorrow, so we can go and get Aiden together? Oh and I could stop at your school!" Liam exclaimed sounding really excited about his idea. Niall liked the older man's suggestion  as well, but he wasn't so sure about the school thing. I mean- some people might remember Liam? What would they think? Does it even matter what they think? Niall likes Liam, and Liam likes Niall. That should be all that matters, right?

"I would love that Li... i always think that it is really  adorable when two parents go to get their child together like a family, I- I'm obviously not Aiden's  real mom but I think the idea sounds b-beautiful." He explained nervous, but Liam just nodded agreeing.

"I know what you mean, I'm happy that I can do that with you. And yeah you're not his real parent but that doesn't matter, because nobody else would be better than you. Aiden wants you and- well I only want you too. Remember that, okay?"

Nialls heart melted when he heard Liams words, how can someone be that loving?
"You're absolutely amazing Liam. W-wanna go back to making out...?"

"Yeah." Liam said softly but with a small laugh because of Nialls unexpected request. He connected their lips while he slowly put his hands around the younger ones hips to lay them down on the couch. He was above Niall, taking over the control in the kiss. When he slowly brushed over the smaller ones hipbone, Niall let out a pleased moan, which gave Liam the chance to push his tongue into Nialls warm mouth. Soon the innocent kissing stopped and the father went down his lovers neck to leave some wet kisses on his shoulders.

"Can I take your shirt off?"

Niall nodded. And a second later Liam pulled it over his face.

Niall felt the need to hide his exposed chest and tummy, but he knew that Liam accepted him the way he is. They saw each other naked for God's sake!

Liam went down from Nialls shoulders over his pale chest and stomach till he reached the waistband of his boxers. But he just stayed there for a while, kissing probably every little centimeter of Nialls burning skin.

The younger one was completely overwhelmed, he's never been this close to another person before and it felt breathtaking. "Li-Liaaam." Niall mumbled moaning.

"Don't worry I won't go any further, I know you're not ready? And that's okay."

"No that's not it... i-i uhm, could you maybe take off your T-shirt as well?" Niall stuttered, cheeks getting a worse tone of red than before.

The older brunette chuckled. "Yeah, everything you want." With one quick motion his loose fitting T-shirt was off.

Liam was much tanner than Niall and also pretty fit. What did you expect? If you work out, you'll see results. And oh damn, Liam works out.

Niall almost felt bad in comparison to the fucking god on him. But that didn't last long, because Liam made him feel as loved and beautiful as even possible.

"Hey I think we are wearing the same boxer shorts." Liam laughed quietly, which made Niall blush.
And he thought Liam won't see the underwear he's wearing.

"White Calvin's?" The older one said smirking.

"Uhm yes I- I kind of hoped you would like them... not that I knew that we would end up like t-this today... I just-"

Liam stopped him, with a short kiss.
"Psssht it's okay, I understand and I think it's really sweet of you to think about stuff like that. I like tight boxer-shorts by the way...and well panties. But you don't need to wear those if you're not comfortable. It's kind of a kink of mine, nothing you need to worry about.

"Your kink? So you like it when your partners wear panties? Also m-me?"

"Oh I bet you would look fucking hot in panties babe. But as I said, I can live without you wearing them, those boxer shorts are really nice to look at as well." Liam mumbled, his hand was slowly tracing over the younger ones waisted and slightly exposed underwear.

Niall sighed quietly when he felt Liams big hands on his skin again. "So... uhm do you have any other kinks I should know of?"He mumbled but let out a small moan because Liam began to suck above his waistline.

"Well, why don't you wait and find out yourself?" Liam replied going back to kissing and sucking on Nialls skin, which made the other one lose control. So both of them stoped talking and just enjoyed the moment they shared.

Nothing more worth telling happened that night, they just spend some time being close and getting to know to each other.

And even tho Aiden was sleeping upstairs, Liam brought Niall home really quick because he didn't want his boy to walk or go by bus.

heyy lovers!
i hope all of u are doing fine and ya enjoyed this chapter. as always, sorry for any grammar mistakes

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