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„I can't do this. I can't do this. I can't-"
Niall kept mumbling to himself, as he sat in the last lessson of the day.

Chemistry, a horrible subject, but that's not the point. The point is that today is Niall's first day as the babysitter of Aiden. Which means that he will see Liam again. Even if it will be for a few minutes only, he will see him. And that's enough to make Niall go absolutely insane. 
He shouldn't go crazy already because of him. He shouldn't like him. Shouldn't think that he's cute and handsome.

"God Niall shut up! The teacher keeps looking at us because of you." Harry whispered annoyed. Yeah he can understand what Niall is going trough, well, kind of. When he had a crush on Louis, and tried to get to know him better, he was probably just as annoying as Niall is right now. But Louis was and still is at the same school, even in the soccer team.

Liam, or how Harry would call him, Niall's crush, was not a student anymore. He was older, more successful and had a kid. A fucking kid.

And Niall never even had a boyfriend before. He had no experience in this whole love and relationship topic, which isn't a bad thing at all, at least in Harrys opinion. Niall sees this as a reason why Liam wouldn't want to date him. Ever.

"But I'm gonna fuck everything up. I mean look at me! He will never like me the way I'm starting to like him! And I bet I'm also not good enough for his son."

"Mr Horan! Let the rest of the class get to know your answer as well." The teacher interrupted them.


Even tho Niall was a bit scared of how his first work day will go, he still went to Mr Payne's place after school. That was also the first time he saw his house.

It was a really big house, at least in comparison to Nialls home. It has a clean white tone and huge, luxurious looking windows. The door was made of a dark wood. It looks like it could be from a architecture magazine or something.

It eventually took Niall a few seconds to find the door bell. And it seemed like Liam had cameras to see who wants to come in.

"Oh god I bet I look horrible-shit." Niall mumbled to himself after he rang the bell.

"You look beautiful, don't worry." Liam's voice was heard laughing through the little monitor besides the door. Niall walked a few steps back from the door, he was stunned, because of  the unexpected answer and the fact that someone actually heard what he mumbled. And of course that this someone was Liam.   

"I'm gonna open the door now, just press against it and it should open!"

"Uhm okay..."

After he did what he was told to, he stood in the hallway. Immediately he noticed the beautiful wooden floor and the homy looking carpet. He saw a small, dark grey couch with yellow and light grey pillows. Above it were hanging a few pictures in golden frames, but before he could get a closer look at them, he heard little feet running to the place he was standing.

Seconds later the loud, yelling
voice of Liam. 

"Ni Ni!" the little boy let out happily, when he arrived before his father in the hallway. 

"You remember my name?" The younger man was positively surprised.

"Hide me Ni Ni!" Was all the cute boy responded to that, before he went to hide behind Nialls legs.

Niall let out a chuckle.

Aiden wrapped his tiny arms around his legs, which made him laugh and finally calm down a bit.

Aiden is such an sweet little kid.
As Liam arrived seconds later, he noticed his son instantly, but obviously didn't say anything. He didn't really greet Niall with an "Hello" or "Hi", he simply smiled at him. And got a beautiful smile in return.

"Mhh... where did my cute little peanut go? I can't see him, have you seen him Niall?" Liam wondered.

"Sorry, I have no idea where he could be."
Niall said with a small giggle.

"Oh that's sad, I thought he wanted to show you his room? He was so excited about it." Liam asked out loud.

"No Dada! I here, look." Aiden said and jumped out of his hiding spot.
"Show Ni Ni my rwoom!"

"That's what I thought." Liam replied smiling.

"Show now?"
The little boy looked up at his daddy, with the most excited face.

„As soon as I walked through that door you can show Niall everything, okay? But I want to get my good bye kiss first." Liam said and got onto his knees, so he was on the same height as his son.

„Bye Bye Daddy! Luv you." Aiden giggled and pressed his lips on his Daddy's cheek.

"Love you too Baby, promise you will be a good boy today and listen to Niall?"


Liam gave him a smile, before he put his attention on Niall.

"Okay I'll try to not stay longer than needed at work. Do you have any questions before I leave, or is everything alright?"

"I think everything is alright Liam, so we see you around 9pm...?" Niall asked, lifting up an eyebrow.

The older one nodded.
"Yeah maybe even earlier, I will try my best, it's just your first day after all. But I'm gonna go now, have fun you two."

"Luv ya Dadi."

"Love ya too!" Liam shouted as he closed the door.

"Ma Daddy loves Ni Ni too!" Aiden chuckled and looked up at Niall.

Niall's cheeks turned into a dark red.
"I don't think so little one, but he definitely loves you. So so much."

"I knowwww, tell me everyday." Aiden explained while nodding with his head.

"I'm sure he does."

"Ni Ni show my room! Okay?" Aiden let out an excited squeal. He wanted to show Niall his room all morning now and just couldn't wait any longer.

"Yeah of course, lead the way."

"Yaay!" The little boy screamed.

"Pssshht not too loud little bear."

"Liltle bear?" Aiden asked confused.

"Little Bear, because you look like a cute teddy bear, is that okay, or do you don't like this nickname?"

"Mhh... Like it! Dadi's peanut and Ni Ni's bear? Swounds good." Aiden said with a little giggle at the end, which was so adorable.

Niall exhaled with relief. "Wanna show me your room now, little bear?"

"Okawy let's go!"

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