fifty four

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"Daddy where ma mommy?" Miss momma." Aiden cried out, rubbing his eyes out of tiredness. When Liam went to get Aiden from his parents house, the first thing the boy noticed was that his mommy wasn't with him.

Liam sighed sadly. "He- he is... uhm you'll see him in a few days." The father mumbled thinking. Aidens face got pale. "W-what?" He exclaimed quietly, making sad puppy eyes. "But i wanna g-get a hug, and a night night stwory! Does momma dwon't love me an-any-mwore?" He cried out, hiding his face in his fathers neck.

Liams heart broke even more as he understood what his son said. Obviously he was just a kid, probably overreacting but still. He made the two people he loved the most sad. Probably even lost one of them. What would he do if Niall didn't wanted him anymore? He even ignored his lovers text earlier today. He felt bad. So so bad. A good boyfriend wouldn't do that.

He just left him alone after the most romantic weekend he had in a while. Niall even gave him his virginity for gods sake. Liam felt like the biggest jerk.

But he was scared. If Nialls dad really would go to the police, it would bring such an horrible image over his company.

In some way he felt safe, because he had one of the best lawyers out there, but obviously that didn't mean that his son wouldn't be in danger. And Aiden was the most important thing in his life, he couldn't risk loosing him.

He knew he couldn't cut Niall out of their lives. It was impossible. He loved this boy. His boy. And he would fight for him if it comes that far. He probably had to tell Niall why he acted the way he did, but how? And what if Nialls dad find out?

God why did he had to fall in love with a student?

"I wanna call momma!" Aiden cried out. He's been upset for hours now. But Liam couldn't even be mad, he's upset too. He missed Niall too. God if he just could go there and kiss the shit out of him.

"I'm gonna bring him back, alright peanut? Don't worry we won't loose your mommy." Liam mumbled.
"But you need to be a good boy for me now, alright? What do you think about making dinner? I know I can't cook as nice as Niall, but I'll give my best."

"Pwromise?" Aiden asked looking up.

Liam nodded with a smile. 

Liam let Aiden stay awake a bit longer, so they watched a movie together. Moana.
His son absolutely loved it. Especially the singing part. Ever since they had watched it in the cinema for the first time, Aiden was hooked.

It was more than just weird to lay alone in his big cold bed tonight after he always had the blue eyed boy laying next to him. Or well mostly on top of him. He missed the warm body next to his . He missed Nialls sweet smell, his soft hair and adorable giggle, whenever he kissed him goodnight.

God it's crazy what this weekend did to him. Liam also really didn't had a plan what to do the next day. Obviously Niall texted him, but he didn't answer so his boyfriend probably will be mad, right?

Should he text him? Or better call? Maybe try to get him to meet up secretly? He had no idea. He had to explain to Niall what really happened.

When the father dropped Aiden off at the kindergarten the next day, the boy asked excitedly if NiNi would come today, the father answered with a sad "no peanut". But he also promised that they will go out and eat ice cream later. That brought the little boys mood back up.

Liam sighed when he left the kindergarten to go to work. He already knew that he wouldn't get much stuff done today. His mind was somewhere else. He couldn't concentrate or focus on anything.

Even when he sat in his office, papers all over his desk, he just didn't know where to start.

"Mr Payne?" His secretary came in, waiting patiently at the door.

"Yes come in." Liam replied quietly.

"There is someone who said he has an appointment for 11 am?" She exclaimed, a questioning tone in her voice.

"I don't have any appointments before two pm today, please send them away." Liam murmured, not even looking up.

"B-but he said it's really important-"

"And I said no." Liam said, eyes shooting up in annoyance.

"O-okay." She stuttered, closing the door and waking back to her desk.

Liam sighed disappointed. He didn't mean to be that mad. He promised himself to never let his mood affect the way he works, but now look at him.

He heard loud voices yelling outside of his office. "What the-?" He whispered to himself.

"NO- I NEED TO SEE HIM!" A male voice almost screamed. Liam could hear it clearly, even tho the heavy door was making it sound a lot quieter. He shook his head, who the hell does this person think he is? Liam got up.

"Excuse me, but if you don't leave right now, we have to call security-" The father started but got interrupted.

"Liam." The man said breathing heavily.

His face went up at the well known voice he heard. Right there, with red cheeks, his school bag hanging over his left shoulder, stood Niall.

"That's Mr Payne to yo-" The secretary started.

"Niall... what a-are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in school?" He asked, his voice a lot softer and quieter now as he stepped up to him.

Niall didn't even answer his boyfriends question, he just closed the last few centimeters between them and let himself fall into the older ones arms.

"I missed you, I k-know it's been just a day, b-but-"

"I know." Liam interrupted him quietly, tightening the grip around Nialls hips.
"Come follow me." He mumbled, softly pushing him into his office, after he sent his secretary away back to her desk.

As soon as the door was closed Liam pulled Niall into his arms again and connected their lips. The younger one smiled happily into the loving kiss.

"Uhm Listen, about yesterday-"

"I know it's because of my dad." Niall replied quickly. Liam looked confused.

"At dinner last night I found out, I'm so sorry, if I would have known that he-"

"Oh baby, god I'm so fucking glad! You have no idea how bad I felt after I dropped you off at home yesterday, but I was just so damn scared. Scared to loose you completely or to loose Aiden, and then my company, it's- it was just a lot." Liam murmured while brushing a strand of hair out of Nialls face. The younger one smiled shyly.

"I understand Li... I know you were scared but my dad left after our argument yesterday... for now. We'll see what happens next, but it's okay, yeah? Just please don't leave me." Niall mumbled, looking up at the older one with his, oh so breathtaking, bright blue eyes.

"Never love, never in my life. I'm so sorry that this had to happen after the beautiful weekend we had."

"Well... I think a few more kisses would make everything better again." Niall giggled, even though everything was more than just fine now.

"I think I can do that darling." Liam said, a smirk playing on his lips. He had his baby back. Thank god.


it was such a hard week for me. but i think it's slowly getting better :)
hope y'all liked this chapter 🤍

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