forty one

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After Liams sweet words, Niall almost had tears in his eyes. Without a other second passing by, he pressed his lips against his boyfriend ones, who pulled him closer right away. "I'll take that as a yes?" Liam murmured during their kiss. The younger one nodded eagerly. "Yes, 100 percent."
But a few kisses later they got out of the car, to go to the little, probably impatiently waiting, boy.

When they got to the room nobody was there, which made Niall look confused at Liam. "Where are all the kids?"

"They are probably already playing outside. We just gonna take his stuff real quick and then we can go look for him, alright?" The father replied. Niall nodded, while he went to take Aidens stuffed animal, which by the way was his giraffe today, and his sleeping shirt because the little boy wouldn't be in kindergarten till the next Monday. Liam just went to write down the time they got him, and then they went outside to find their son.

"Oh my, Liam look!" Niall mumbled as he noticed Aiden, playing in the sandbox with two other little kids.
"He's adorable! Can't we just let him play?" He added.

"I know he is love, but your surprise is waiting at home, and my mom will come to get her grandson in now less than three hours, we wanna eat your cake first."

"Okay okay, i understand." Niall sighed and Liam pressed his lips on Nialls neck.

"That tickles!" He giggled loudly, which made Liam smile like a teenager in love.

"There's ma mommy!" Aiden yelled, when he heard Nialls giggles. The tiny one jumped up and ran to his parents.

"Hi peanut, we missed you." Liam said kneeling down, to take his son in his arms. Niall got down as well, to be at the same height as his boys. "Did you have a good day, Aiden?"

"Yeah mommy! Lwunch was really yummy and we played ouwtside twice today! It's really warm!" The boy explained.

"That sounds amazing little bear." Niall said. Both men took one of the boys hands , so he was in the middle of them.

"Gwonna eat cake today?"

"Yes, we will, I know you're excited to eat the cake." Liam said. "You know, Aiden helped me choosing the flavor." He added, looking at Niall.

"Oh really? So you helped?" Niall asked smiling. Aiden nodded proudly.

The drive back home was pretty chilled, Niall hummed to the music and Aiden kept telling his parents what happened in kindergarten. As soon as Niall let Aiden out of the car, the little boy was running inside the house. Liam also went inside already.
"Hey don't run away from me!" Niall yelled after him laughing.

"Follow me Ni Ni!" He screamed back.

"I'm on my way little bear." Niall replied, even tho Aiden definitely didn't hear it anymore. The front door stood wide open and when Niall came in, both boys where standing in the middle of the hallway. There were many yellow, white and golden balloons hanging and also confetti was spread out everywhere. Aiden had a self colored picture in his hand and Liam a bunch of flowers.

"Happy birthday Mommy!" Both said, and Aiden jumped excitedly up and down on one spot. Liam had a small smirk on his face when he said "mommy".

"Aww that's so sweet of you two, thank you so much!" Niall replied, a big smile appearing on his face. He went closer to the two and gave Aiden a cuddle, which made the boy giggle. When he got back up, the father already put his arms around his hip to pull him closer. "I love you." He whispered.

"Love you more." Niall replied before Liam pressed his lips against Nialls.

"Me wanna get kissy too!" Aiden said looking up at the two who looked incredibly happy. "Pwlease." He added.

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