seventy one

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"What do you think about getting your stuff later today? We could take Aiden with us, and while we pack he can spend some more time with his grandparents." The older one asked and got a nod from Niall.

"Yeah that's fine by me. We should get my stuff rather sooner than later anyways, because soon my exams start... god I should already have started learning for biology, hopefully it won't be too bad."

"Oh... right it's exam season. I totally forgot about that. I'm sure you're gonna do amazing, if you need some alone and study time, you can use my small office upstairs." Liam said with a smile on his lips, and Niall mumbled a "Thank you." as he leaned into Liam for a hug.

"Absolutely no problem babe." The father replied, enjoying Nialls warm body against his own.

"So... are we gonna get my stuff after lunch and Aidens nap?" Niall asked, looking up at Liam who nodded.

"NO NAP!" Aiden yelled, hearing the word coming out of his mommas mouth. He came running into the kitchen, holding his stuffed animal secure in his right hand.

"Pwlease no nap." He pleaded, making pouty lips, which made Niall laugh quietly.

"Don't worry Aiden, you don't need to take a nap just yet, we just finished breakfast, and do you know when your nap time is?" He asked, lifting up both eyebrows.

The boy shook his head.

"It's after Lunch. That means you still have a lot of time to play."

As soon as those words left his mouth Aiden began to smile. "Yay! Play outside? Or with truck! Oh pwlease." He exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement.

"Let me put on some other clothes first peanut, and then we can go play in the garden. But you need to wear your thicker jacket and a beanie, it's getting colder." Liam said and Aiden nodded understanding, running away to get his jacket for outside.

"And what's with me Mr Payne?" Niall asked, giving Liam a cheeky smile.

"Well- Mr Horan. You'll stay right here and keep looking this beautiful." The father replied, leaning down to press his lips against Nialls.

"Mhm sounds good." Niall murmured with a short laugh, pulling away after a while. "But I think, I'm also gonna get some informations from Harry about the first exams, so I can make a plan about what I need study for first."

Liam chuckled. "That sounds like a plan." "Wanna come upstairs with me?" He added softly.

"Aiden is literally-"

"To get dressed love." Liam laughed.

"Oh well, then yeah..." Niall mumbled, a bit embarrassed, but Liam just gave him a little smile. "I hope you know that you're adorable."

Niall rolled his eyes. "Of course I do."

"Would be a shame if you didn't."

"DADDY, I READY!" Aidens words parted the two away. "You're son is calling for you." Niall chuckled.

"Our." Was all the father replied, but those words were enough to make Niall  smile appear all over his whole face.

"Yeah our... god I can't understand how I got so lucky." The younger one whispered, totally love struck.

"I'm the lucky one, I never thought I would find the right one, and then there you were, sitting in a class room, listening to me talking about my boring work days." Liam laughed.

"You weren't boring. I loved and still love listening to you." Was all Niall replied before he went upstairs, Liam close behind him.

While Liam got dressed in dark blue jeans and a grey sweatshirt, Niall just put on some sweatpants and a T-shirt. Throwing a thin jacket on top. While both of them got dressed Aiden came into the bedroom and sat down on the floor, just watching his parents and waiting to finally go outside. It actually was quite sunny today, so the boy couldn't wait to go outside.

He looked at his parents who were currently sharing a kiss. Again.
"Dada stwop! Momma need breath!" He exclaimed, pulling on his fathers leg.

Both pulled away, and Niall started laughing. "I still got enough air Aiden, but thank you for worrying." He said with a chuckle, kneeling down to brush through the boys hair.

"Alrwight, but now done! I wanna play."

"Okay okay, let's go outside. But Ni is gonna stay inside to study." Liam explained, but Aiden was already out the door running to put his shoes on as quickly as possible.

"C'mon let's not let him wait any longer. I'm gonna try to get a bit organized with all the exam stuff and then maybe start lunch. Just something quick. I'll find something." Niall said and Liam agreed, following him and his son downstairs.
Aiden was really eager to get outside, so while Liam helped him with his shoes, Niall already put on the small yellow beanie and a scarf. "All done, I think you're ready to go outside. But wait for daddy." He said, before he left to go in the kitchen, where he left his phone.

Not long after Niall sent a message to Harry, which asked if he had time to talk, he got a call from his curly friend.

"YOU'RE ENGAGED!" Were the first words thrown in the conversation.

Niall rolled his eyes.
"What? No."


"He asked me to move in." He interrupted him, a smile trying to find it's way on his lips. He heard Harry gasp.

"OH I KNEW IT! I told ya so- damn Niall!" He basically yelled out, and Niall bite his lip.

"It's crazy isn't it? I mean who would have thought... I still can't believe it. I have my own little family now." He giggled.

"My Nialler is all grown up now." Harry replied, sniffing once but also with a small laugh at the end. "So you're really moving in with him? When? And do you guys move all your stuff in?"

"Uhm- today I guess...? We probably will bring my things here later. No furniture. My parents will most definitely make a guest room out of my old room, but I couldn't be happier. It's crazy to think about it. I'm gonna fall asleep and wake up to this breathtaking man every single day from now on."

"Yeah, god think about all the sex you're gonna have."


"Oh c'mon, think about all the good morning blowjobs. Oh- how was your evening yesterday? I bet it wasn't just holding hands." His best friend said, laughing because he could almost see Nialls face heating up.

"I- it doesn't matter. God this wasn't even the reason I've wanted to talk to you." Niall mumbled.

"So you would have never told me about the amazing sex with that god? Or that you will move in with him?"

"Of course I would have told you about that, but- not like that. And could you stop calling my boyfriend a god?" He asked, laying his head down on the table. He took the black pen and a piece of paper  which was laying besides the fruit basket. "You have to fill me in on the whole exam topic. I know we have biology first. But what's the next one after that? And can you maybe tell me what exactly your studying? And... maybe send pictures? I just completely pushed the thought of exams away, and now I'm kinda freaking out."

"Damn Nialler, you're still in the honeymoon phase of ya relationship, god you two will  probably stay there forever! But yeah I'll, get my planner I wrote everything done there. God who would have thought that I would be helping you, normally it's the other way around." Harry laughed.

He was right. Normally Niall is the organized one who always has a plan for everything but now that he had met Liam it's all different. But let's be honest- he wouldn't want it any other way. He's as happy as he never was before in his life.


happy valentines day babes. hope you took care of yourself and enjoyed today. do something you love, doesn't matter if you're in an relationship or not 💛 hope this chapter made your day better as well, i send y'all  lots of hugs

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