forty nine

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the bad smut y'all waited for,
here u go.

It didn't took Niall much time to remove his boyfriends pants, so that he quickly was naked again. Liam just chuckled when he noticed the younger ones eyes tracing down his body's, to his still pretty erect dick.

"Like what you see baby? I told you I'm in the mood..." Liam murmured, his eyes focused on his lovers expressions.

Niall nodded shyly, but removed his eyes quickly. Liam laughed quietly.

"Oh baby!" He said huskily, pressing his lips softly against Nialls burning skin. He started to go lower until he kissed his neck. After a little while a beautiful, soft moan left Nialls lips, which was the signal for Liam that he had found Nialls sweet spot. The father sucked on it until it turned into a dark purple mark.

"L-Liam...-mhh please." Niall moaned, he just couldn't keep it in any longer. Yeah he still was embarrassed about the sounds and words that left his mouth but he couldn't do anything about it, the things Liam did to him felt truly amazing.

The younger one noticed how Liams hand went down to his waistband, softly pulling at his sweatpants. Niall mumbled a "Just Do it!" because in his opinion, Liam took way too long. He was kinda nervous for his boyfriends reaction, but couldn't really worry much because with one quick motion his pants were off. He felt the fresh air hit his legs and private area, which made him shiver.

What Niall didn't notice was Liams eyes focusing on his area, or well- the thing that was covering it. Liam's fingers slowly traced over the soft fabric, totally surprised by what he was seeing.

"Oh my fucking god... baby since when-" Liam asked but stopped because he looked at it again, and damn if this isn't the hottest thing he has ever seen.

Nialls face was dark red in embarrassment, he couldn't believe this was really happening. "D-Do you like it...?" He whispered, looking anywhere but at Liam. The father smiled, his hand going back up to Nialls face to make his boyfriend look at him again.

"Oh darling, you have no idea how hot you are, don't you? You look absolutely stunning baby. Do you see how hard you make me?" Liam murmured huskily, looking at Niall with loving eyes.

"So you like the panties...?" Niall asked a small smile appearing on his face.

"Like them? Love they are absolutely breathtaking, you look beautiful... you should definitely wear them more often." The older one replied and kissed Nialls lips once again, while he softly pulled the panties down.

"But still- I think you look just as good without them, and for my plan we both have to be naked... so let's remove them again, yeah?"

The blue eyed one nodded. He was ready. God he was so ready. He trusted Liam. More than anything.

As soon as they were both fully naked Liam went back on placing soft kisses all over Nialls face, neck and chest, mainly to calm him down. He felt how nervous the boy under him was and he wanted to change that. His hands found it's way back down and he took Nialls warm and erect cock back into his right hand before he started stroking it slowly, which made Niall moan in delight.

"Oh god- please never stop!" The younger one moaned, completely overwhelmed by the other ones touch. Nobody ever did something like this to him and damn Niall definitely missed out on too many amazing things.

Liam smiled proudly down at him. The fact that he was finally this close to Niall made him the happiest man on this planet. He waited long for this one moment and now Niall finally trusted him enough. Slowly, without Niall noticing, Liam grabbed the lube and a condom which he put on the mattress before. He let go of Nialls dick, which made the younger boy open his eyes in disappointment. "Keep going!"
Liam opened the bottle and poured some amount onto his fingers.

"I will later darling, but I'm gonna prep you now." Liam informed him.

"Prep me...? What does that mean?" Niall questioned in confusion, till he suddenly felt something cool circle down his bum.

"Spread your legs for me." Liam mumbled and Niall did as ordered.

The younger one looked down to find Liams hand between his legs again, but instead of putting them around his dick like before they were laying on his bum. Liam slowly inserted one of his fingers in; which made eyes grow wide.

"Uhh that hurts!" He complained quietly.

"It's alright princess the pain will go away soon." Liam mumbled, and stopped when his finger was knuckle deep. After a while Niall seemed to get used to it and relax a bit.

"Okay, I'm adding another one."

"Wait no don't!" Niall said, trying to stop him, but right after those words left Nialls mouth Liam curved his finger inside him, which made a throaty moan escape the younger ones lips.

"Trust me it would feel so much better if there were two." Liam whispered with a smirk and Niall finally nodded.

"Yeah alright... just do it." Niall gave in, and Liam applied more lube onto his fingers right away. He moved his first digit around to make some space for number two. Niall noticed that it definitely didn't hurt as much as the first one which felt nice.

The father, who's eyes was still only looking at Nialls face, started to move his two fingers around, scissoring and curing them which made soft whimpers leave Nialls lips.

"Is this feeling good baby?" Liam asked with a small smile, because Niall obviously was enjoying it.

"Yessss, so good, I can't b-believe we haven't done this earlier." Niall replied, eyes closed because of the pleasure.

Liam kept stretching Nialls hole with his two fingers before he added a third one seconds later. The blue eyed one gasped loudly and hold onto Liams shoulders for support. The father leaned in and kissed him, trying to calm him down.

He started moving his fingers in and out of his boyfriend while he began to suck on Nialls chest again.

"Ahhh fuck!" The younger one groaned, when Liam touched something that made him roll his eyes to the back of his head.
God it felt incredible, what the hell was that?

"Are you ready for my dick now, love?"

"Fuck yes please." Niall panted eagerly.
Liam smiled happily at that response and leaned down to kiss him sloppily.

He then grabbed the bottle of lube again, and the condom package, which he ripped open right away. He put it on and started to lather up his cock, before he lined it with Nialls entrance and started entering the tip slowly.

The younger one gasped loudly when Liams head tried to pass his ring muscle.

"Try to push me out." Liam said breathlessly. Niall looked confused.

"B-but-?" He started and Liam kissed him quickly.

"Don't worry it will just help me to get in a bit easier love." The older one explained quietly. Niall nodded understanding and did what Liam told him to do.

He whimpered in pain, this was it. This was the moment they both have been waiting for. Liam leaned down again to shut him up by applying his mouth onto Nialls lips. He moved away from Nialls lips after a while and started peppering kisses all over his face, neck and chest.


heyy!! i can't believe i wrote that, and it's not even finished 🥴 BUT ANYWAYS, this chapter is kinda fitting bc it's mr niall horan's REAL birthday today! can't believe our lil babe is 27, crazyyy 💛

i hope y'all liked this chapter and it wasn't too bad. idk if i should continue writing this "scene" in the next one or not haha

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