eighty six

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"BABE OVER HERE!" A voice yelled loudly and not seconds later Niall saw a waving Liam. A smile spread over his face before he quickly walked over to him, Oliver following close behind. He noticed Aiden sitting in the car behind the steering wheel, playing taxi driver.

"Hi Li, I missed ya!" He mumbled, getting pulled in for a short kiss. "Missed you too darling, how was your first day?" Liam said, clearly noticing the guy standing behind Niall.

"So much better than expected! Our teacher is really nice, Andy classmates seem friendly as well- and we have more boys in the class than I expected at first! Oh uhm this is by the Oliver, he's a classmate as well." Niall explained shyly, softly pushing Oliver a bit in front of him.

"Hi nice to meet you, I'm Liam, Nialls boyfriend." Liam greeted him, a confident smile on his face.

"Uhm Hello- I'm Oliver, g-great meeting you." Oli replied slowly with a a shy look painted over his face. He felt quite awkward. A few hours ago he just met Niall and now he's meeting his boyfriend.

"So you're one of Nialls new classmates? Do you like the class so far?" The father asked and Oliver nodded right away.
"Yeah they all seem amazing, I'm excited to see how everything will be. We already discovered today, that pretty much everyone has different interests and writing styles." He explained and Liam hummed agreeing as a response, no idea what he could reply to that.

While they were talking, or at least trying to have a conversation, Niall walked around the car, to get a cuddle from Aiden. "Mommy! Lwook I drive us home!" The boy exclaimed loudly with a joyful grin. Niall laughed. "Well we better buckle up then, mhh peanut? I'm not so sure if we will get home safe."

"Of cwourse we do, I good driver." Aiden replied with pouty lips.

"I'm sure your father will practice driving with you one day- but just when you're old enough. Now I want you to meet a new friend of mine, is that alright with you?" Niall asked, lifting up an eyebrow.

The little boy nodded right away, stretching out his arms to get picked up from the car seat.

"He that?" Aiden whispered, shy all of a sudden. He was hiding his face in his mommy's neck as he looked at the new person.

"Oliver? This is our little boy Aiden." Niall said with a big smile on his lips. As Liam noticed his boys he stopped talking to Oliver, pulling both of them a bit closer to him. His hand holding onto Nialls waist tightly.

"Well Hi Aiden, I'm Oli. Aren't you a sweet boy, adorable!" Oliver spoke, waving at Aiden who was looking up from Nialls neck. "Mommy he said I adoably!" He exclaimed with a giggle, which made everyone laugh.

"Yeah I did. It's nice meeting you. But I guess I'll have to go home now, today was interesting. I'll see you tomorrow Niall?" Oliver asked and Niall nodded.

"Yes, tomorrow at 8am, but we can text again!" The blue eyed one replied, and waved goodbye, which got copied right away by Aiden. They watched Oliver walk off to his own car and then put Aiden in his car seat. "Gwonna home now?" The boy asked, and Niall nodded.

"Yeah I'm exhausted. Have you two already ate lunch?"

"No, this little something here consisted on waiting for his mommy." Liam mumbled, giving his son a look, but Aiden just grinned back at him. "I thought we could get two pizzas and eat them at the apartment, are ya in the mood for that?" The father asked, starting the car.

"I think you already know the answer Li." Niall laughed.

"Alright then, now tell me about your first day. How is everyone? Have you maybe seen my uncle? I know he doesn't teach in your-"

"Okay okay- I'll tell you everything but it will take a while because I'm completely overwhelmed." Niall interrupted him, but got a quick nod as sign to go ahead.

The two pizzas, one with chicken and broccoli and the other one with salami, were still a bit warm when they arrived back home. And by the time they got out of the car Aiden was probably even more excited to eat than Niall. While eating they watched the little mermaid. Guess who's wish that was.

Liam had two more calls because of a new project his company took over, and he decided to drive back to London next week. He really didn't want to leave Niall alone here, but he knew that he had to eventually. And it only will be for five days. Aiden would also go to kindergarten again next week, but the little boy was already extremely excited for that. He also was looking forward to seeing his grandparents again.

"So I will be alone the whole week?"

"We will come back on Saturday love. I know it sucks- but I still haven't figured out the whole work thing. It probably will still take a while. But I'm thinking of solutions, don't worry." Liam mumbled, trying not to disturb Aiden while watching the movie. "Maybe you can hang out with that new friend of yours... he could visit, check out our new place- I don't know. But I'm sure he could become a good friend."

"Not as Good as Harry though... god I definitely have to call him soon. I haven't spoken to him in days. But you're right maybe Oliver can come over as well." Niall replied smiling.

"But that also means I have to spent as much time as possible with you this week. I don't know how I'm supposed to live 5 days without you by my side." The father exclaimed dramatically, which made Niall roll his eyes.

"You're an idiot."

"I know."


new boring chapter, buuut exam season is starting tomorrow! absolutely hate it but it also means progress and that's good :)

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