thirty six

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"Aiden I think there is someone waiting for you." One of the kindergarten teachers said after a while, with the parents just waiting at the door.

The little boys head turned around extremely fast when he understood the words.
His mouth made an O- shape and his eyes went wide, his face had an expression of happiness all over it.

"MOMMY AND DADA!" He screamed excited, which made all the other kids in the room turn around as well, because it was so loud. Aiden stood up and started running to the door.

"I mwissed ya." He mumbled as soon as he was in both of their arms.

"We missed you two peanut, ready to go home now?" Liam replied just as softly.

The tiny lad nodded. "But gonna say bye-bye to Toby first!"

When the boy ran back into the room, Liam went and signed the paper and wrote down the time they arrived.

Niall came to him not long after with Aiden holding his hand.

The older one was already waiting for them with a big smile. Just seeing Niall with his little boy makes him unbelievable happy. That's his fucking family now.

"Bwut Ni Ni is gonna stay with us? Yeah?"

"Of course I will, little bear. Why shouldn't I?" Niall replied while he helped the boy to put on his shoes.

"Bec-bewcause other days, Dada work and Momma and I all alowne! Now all together?"

"Yes we will spend the rest of the day together, okay Peanut? We can watch a movie, maybe mommy can show us how to bake?"

"Mud-fins?" Aiden asked lifting up an eyebrow.

"If you want, sure." Niall replied.

"Yaay!" Aiden exclaimed clapping.
"And then gwonna watch Moana!" He added, smiling proudly because of his idea.

"Not again." Liam sighed with a small chuckle.

And so the three boys went home together. Liam driving, Niall at the front seat and Aiden in the back, playing with a little train he left in the car this morning.

The radio played "Little Talks" by Of Monsters and Men. It was such a classic song and reminds Niall of good times.

"We used to play outside when we were young, and full of life and full of love." Niall sang quietly. Liam smiled to himself when he heard his boyfriends voice so softly. He definitely could get used to this.

"Why are you starring at me? You should concentrate, I don't wanna die in a car crash." Niall laughed, when he noticed the older ones glare.

"Nothing you're just beautiful." Liam said giving him a small smirk, which made Niall roll his eyes smiling. There was also a small blush appearing on his cheeks, he just couldn't get used to receiving so many compliments.

"What Do you think about blueberry muffins?" Niall asked the little boy who was sitting in front of him.

Aiden had his arms crossed so he could lay his head on them. "Mhh no, d-don't wanna eat thwat." He murmured.

Niall sighed thinking. Slowly he couldn't think of any more ideas. The little one insists on making muffins, but he couldn't decide on which flavor. He didn't wanted vanilla, cherries ,raspberries , coconut or even chocolate! And now blueberries were out as well.

"Okay I honestly have no idea what else we could put in a muffin, that we at the same time have here, little bear." Niall exclaimed, right when Liam came into the kitchen looking for his boys.

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