forty three

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Niall was quite confused, in the box were a few candles, obviously not burning, a little pack of raspberry tea, some fuzzy socks and a postcard. As he took out the post card, he got a better look at it.
On it you could see a beautiful lake with clear- blue looking water. There were mountains and a forest with all different types of greens in the background as well.

"Uhm, it looks nice there?"

Liam laughed at his boyfriends reaction.
"So you would like to visit it?"


"Would you like to go there with me this weekend?" Liam asked again, now with a smirk playing on his lips.

"Y-you what? Are you serious? That's where we're going the next two days? Oh my god, it looks beautiful there! And it would be just us two? And where would we even stay? And I haven't packed yet, and my parents-"

"Psssht. As I said, everything's taken care of, your parents know where you are and that you're with me. And we are going to stay in this small, lovely house right next to the lake. It just has a comfy open living room with a fireplace, with a- you could say tiny kitchen next to it and upstairs is a modern bathroom, with a huge tub and one small bedroom, which has a big king size bed in the middle. It looked like the whole room was just bed, but I'm planning on staying in there with you for a while so I thought it would be good." The last part was spoken a bit quieter so Aiden didn't understand every single word.

Nialls face got slightly red again, he was too in love with this man.
"Li... I can't believe you did this for me! It's sounds amazing, but it's way too much for just a simple person like me, flowers would have been enough."

"Babe, I only want the best for you, you only deserve the best, can you even imagine how happy I am that you walked into my life? I want to spend a romantic weekend with you... juste the two of us..." Liam mumbled.

"Sounds really good to me... I love you." Niall replied quietly and shy.

"I love you more, darling, I'm happy that you like all of your presents." The older one said, squeezing Nialls hand softly.

"Love ya bot-both! Cake now?" Aiden interrupted the two impatiently.

Niall giggled quietly and nodded. "Yeah let's eat it now, sorry that you need to wait so long, you can be the first one to try it, alright?" He said and the boy replied with a big loud "Yay!" .

It didn't take the three long to all try the delicious cake, and at the end Aiden had it smeared all over his face.

"It looks like you enjoyed the cake Aiden? Are you ready to go?" His grandmother asked.

Liams mom arrived about 5 minutes ago, actually while Aiden was about to wash his face. Obviously, when he heard his grandma he stopped everything and ran out of the bathroom and to the front door, Niall right behind him.

"Nah lwook ma face! Still dirty." The little one explained to his grandma.

"Well we were about to to wash your face but you ran away." Niall said laughing.

"Sorry mommy, can still do it?"

The Irish one nodded. "Of course, go hurry up, your grandma won't wait the whole day little bear."

When the little one finally washed his face and hands and also got his backpack ready, he ran back to his grandma who now was talking to his father.

"All done!"

"That's great peanut, have you packed all your toys and stuffed animals?" Liam asked taking the little boy up in his arms.

"Yeah dada."

"Well then I guess we are ready to go. You can already bring you're stuff to the car grandpa is waiting there." Liams mother said towards Aiden who nodded excited.

"I'm gonna miss you little one." Niall mumbled pressing a kiss to Aidens head, the boy stretched out his arms to Niall after that, so Lim gave him over.

"Miss ya too mommy, gwonna call tomorrow owkay?" Aiden said sadly.

"Of course I will, that will be the first thing I do when I wake up baby. Love you so much." Niall replied cuddling his son softly. He could hear Aiden sniffle quietly.

"Psht don't cry baby, please don't." Niall mumbled. "Can't we take him with us?" He asked with big pouty lips, now looking at Liam.

Liam shook his head. "Uhm, no my love, he doesn't really fit into the plans I've made... but it's just two days! We'll see him so soon."

"Mhh okay, I'm just gonna miss him so much." Niall whispered.

"Me too Ni, come give him to me again, I wanna say good bye to my boy."

"Bye dada, luv ya." Aiden said now giving Liam a tight hug.
"Love you peanut, be good to your grandparents, for mommy and me yeah?"

The boy nodded. "Pro-Prwomise!" He said, before he went to his grandfather, who now was waving from the car.

"Don't worry too much, we're gonna take good care of him. Maybe we are gonna go to the zoo tomorrow, who knows. But he will be in good hands. Just be careful yourself you too, you packed condoms, right? Or is Niall taking the pill? Or are you two already planning on trying for another one? Oh you are, right? Oh my fu-" Mrs Payne exclaimed, eyes wide.

But her son interrupted her quickly. His face just as red as his boyfriends one.
"God mother, please stop. No- we are not trying for another kid... yet. We use protection. Nothings going to happen, not that we would tell you of, love you but now go." Liam said softly pushing his mother out of the doorframe.

"Oh I would have loved a other grandchild! But okay I'm already on my way, oh and happy birthday Niall, I hope you had a good day so far?"

"Yeah I had, thank you. Your son is making me to the happiest person." Niall replied and Karen nods.

"That's good, I hope he treats you right." She said looking at Liam.

"Of course I do, now please go, I bet Aiden and Pa are waiting for you."

When she finally left, Liam let out a breath of relief. "Thank god I'm sorry for her, you know how she can get." But when he looked at Niall, his boy had tears in his eyes.
"Love what happened? Why are you crying?"

"Our b-baby is gone, i miss him already." Niall murmured.
That brought a smile in the fathers face.

"Oh babe! I love you so much. We are gonna see him on Sunday again, please don't be sad. I want us to spend the most perfect weekend together, I only wanna see your beautiful smile and hear your laugh, well- and maybe some moans, but you know what I mean." Liam said, rapping his arms around Nialls waist.

"I love you too Li. And I- uhm know what you mean, and I want that too. I'm sure everything will be amazing because of you."

"I hope so love, but before our little trip starts tomorrow, we are having dinner tonight, I picked out an outfit for you, I hope that's alright?"

"Dinner?" Niall asked excited, wiping the few tears out of his eyes.

"Of course. A princess needs a birthday dinner."


heyy, i hope you're okay 🤍
as always, sorry for any grammar mistakes.

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