Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 39

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Dreamweaver Chapter 39

I blinked sitting up. The night sky was totally different and the two moons gone, nor did I see anything that looked like where I was before. I was no longer on the gnome's hill that's for sure.

This was taking some getting used to.

I found myself in the dream state's orc dungeon room where Fox Girl had me fighting orcs like before. Again it was the same in virtually every other aspect and still somewhat dark, but with torches just enough to barely see while looking a bit scary. I checked over myself and found I had all my things and my equipment. I was also still me. Somehow I'd activated the dream state after going to sleep again. Would it activate every time I went to sleep? It must have some kind of rules and a concrete system right?

It would take time and trial and error to iron out what those boundaries were and how they worked. Though it was redundant to check that I still didn't know how this worked. I couldn't ignore anything that might give me hints about it.

There were signs that it was a dream state however. Like the torches never seemed to burn down and extinguish, but in real life they should hiss or spit sometimes from the pine pitch in them on top of having the ability to never run out of fuel. But I noticed the interval between the spitting of the pine pitch was exactly the same number of seconds every time. In reality it would be more random.

I'd have to trick Fox Girl into revealing some of those boundaries. Was it also true that if I acted like I already knew about something she'd be more willing to talk about it, since she didn't perceive she could actively say no?

"Are you going to stare off in space forever? Time is precious you know. We have a lot to do," she said impatiently.

"We do? I mean yes, of course," I was surprised that she was ready to help me and already moving us forward. But as always it was reluctant help with a sort of smirky spark to her soul.

There fox girl was waiting with her hands on her hips. Again the robe was the same as before except somehow she was showing off her magic power and had turned it to be the same color as her tail. "I thought you'd show up about now," she said, as if she had a watch in her head.

"Are you showing off your power?" I pointed to the robe, playfully with a smirk.

"Oh do you like it? You'll never touch it of course. Die a virgin kid," She smiled. She then flipped me off.

Was she trying to goad me? She might be testing me. She wasn't walking away or taking her eyes off me but if she'd truly hated me she'd just move on to other things wouldn't she? I couldn't be sure though because the die a virgin curse is pretty hateful to say.

Maybe she just didn't like being a prisoner. I hadn't expected such attitude from her. I guess it's expected though since she'd been fighting the previous owner for so long.


"Hey I need your help again please," I pleaded hoping she'd not act up.

"What is it this time?" she sighed.

I briefly explained what had happened since I'd seen her last.

"Wow, all that happened in just one day? Humans sure do stay busy." She seemed shocked after I described what had happened.

"Still you have shown some pretty good resilience and quick thinking," she murmured.

"Well I'm having trouble. This isn't normal for humans either by the way. We lost our people that can interpret the Egyptian writing and the blue screens. One is a traitor and the other missing. It's caused a lot of trouble for us. The gnome understands and speaks Egyptian but because it's not his primary skill and he just got it recently from becoming an elder he can't do the writing systems yet."

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