Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 33

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Dreamweaver chapter 33

Again we found Rina breathing really hard and having collapsed. Right now Sensei was sitting under cover of a big boulder that provided shade and cover, and had her in her lap. Feeling down with my hands I could see that Rina was in a cold sweat and very pale looking. Her arms and legs were askew with her eyes closed. Her skin felt a bit cooler than it should be, since she was having trouble keeping her body warmth regulated. But now Yumi was pulled away from the fight too. She was in a panic and since her 'Rina obsession' was fueling her ability to fight this was the worst possible situation that could occur.

Obviously Yumi wouldn't be able to fight if she was worried about Rina dying.

Damn. That was like double trouble. But I should have expected it could happen again.

"What happened? She was just walking around less than a minute ago?" Yumi exclaimed in frustration.

"I think she was on the last bit of her strength and afraid she'd pull attention away from the more pressing threat. How bad is it?" Sensei said, with a look of concern.

Yumi looked like she was crying, with red eyes and looking desperate. "Why does this have to happen now?" she cried out.

Sensei and I adjusted Rina's posture and limbs to preserve body heat. Then tried to adjust her clothes for better warmth but it was almost impossible. We also didn't have water bottles or anything useful like medicine.

In spite of having access to heal magic, it didn't eliminate the need or want for medicine. I actually wanted to use both as much as I could and throw everything I could at this issue.

"We didn't do anything wrong, she just went out like a light. I managed to keep her head from hitting the rocks," Sensei said, obviously upset.

"That's good. Thanks," I replied.

"You can take care of it right Shun?" Yumi asked especting a miracle.

Uh that I had heal magic the expectations from others were that I would always be able to do something impossible. That creates a ton of stress.

"We won't let anything happen. Don't worry," I said.

I knelt down next to her. I was careful not to try to look inside her clothes, but needed to verify how she was doing with Sensei's help holding her. I put my ear up against her chest cavity to try to listen to the flow of the lungs, listening to her chest up as close as I could. There wasn't as much warmth coming off her either and that wasn't a good sign. I could hear her breathing, but it was slow, raspy, and labored, feeling like the amount of time between breaths wasn't quick enough. Next I was checking her neck and wrist. Though I knew she had a pulse I also had to measure what her norm was. That could help me know how bad she was feeling right now.

"Hey you, beat it!" Yumi cried out fiercely all of the sudden, her eyes had become daggers of vengeance. Her comment seemed random and completely out of timing, until I followed her line of sight. She'd apparently spotted a cockroach, a rather large one in fact.

I noticed some older boy near us, who was bending over trying to look down Rina's jacket, because of her lack of a shirt. He ended up running away with Yumi chasing him with an orc club while he cried for mercy. She kept yelling at him, and chased him much longer than she should have, until I lost sight of them.

"How's her pulse, and...whatever else you are checking?" Asakura asked, trusting me fully.

"Seems OK so far, in that she's alive and I think she'll stay that way; I don't like how weak she is though. She shouldn't have done that jog earlier, but there was nothing any of us could do. We had to run or all die, even though she shouldn't be doing that kind of exertion," I said full of stress in my voice.

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