Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 50

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Chapter 50

Day 10 since entering the gnomes' warren...

"Is he awake?" it was one of the others. I didn't recognize the voice but it was a girl's. It wasn't someone from my team. That made my anxiety grow a little bit; but it sound like a human voice.

"No, I don't think so. Wait, I'm not sure. Did you see something?" Another voice an adolescent male with a bit of high pitched in it from growth spurts; one of the students that was brought to this world with me but I wasn't sure which or who. I felt someone moving closer to me too. There was the sound of footsteps on the cavern floor.

"I thought I saw movement like a finger twitching," a gnome said. Gnomes have good eyes and dexterity it seems. He appeared to be a guard of some kind, but my eyelids felt stuck together and my vision wasn't good like normal people when they are overly tired and first try to look around.

He was equipped with some kind of gnomish mail and a type of pole axe, along with a short sword hanging from his belt. By the look of it the gear was well made but worn in places to suggest he'd been at this for years and that he knew what he was doing. Further it was well cared for despite its age. It was shiny and clean and nothing out of place.

"Ah maybe I was wrong?" the same voice as right before said.

I think I was stirring. I tried to get back up. But my body was heavy.

I thought I heard a fire crackling. But my eyelids were as heavy as my body. I think I groaned from the sting of pain when I'd tried to move.

My hand and finger twitched and I was able to move it over to my wound. Things were like lead weights everywhere. When I opened my eyes I noticed I was in a big cavern. It was the gnomes warren but it wasn't in one of the tent structures. It looked familiar though, but this area looked more heavily protected and guarded than other areas that I'd been in.

Because it had like gnome special symbols and stuff written on the walls I surmised this must be some kind of special place for the elders that they'd brought me too. It also had a few specially placed banners hanging on stands.

It took me a minute to recognize things, but I think I'd seen this place before.

Then I recognized it was the big center warren where we'd first entered the gnomes cave system. Apparently it was some kind of gathering place and important to them.

If they took me here then...


Why had I been stabbed? It didn't make any sense?

Shit! Did they take my stuff?

"Ah he is awake," the gnome guard said.

Feeling around I was relieved when the stealth belt form of the demon box was still there. I'd been keeping it in stealth form but I had no idea I'd actually have to use that form until now to keep it from being taken.

Whew that was close.

"Confirmed, he's awake," a girl said. She was at the edge of the light from a fire and the bug lanterns. I couldn't see part of her face from her hair hanging down too. She stood over me like she was a mortician. I didn't recognize her at first.

"Wh-who is it? Who is there?" I gasped. My throat was all dry. My eyes were focusing better now. I just needed to move around a bit it seems.

"It's me Vira, you know the one that plays tennis? Or rather I used too. I guess that's a different life now," the girl said bitterly. She got closer and I could see her face. She had a look of concern and was looking me over.

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