Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 26

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Dreamweaver chapter 26

This living hunk of meat in front of me was huge. I had to look up and bend my neck to see the top of his head. I'd never seen a man this big or with this much muscle and meat on him. Wait...was it even a man? The torchlight didn't give me a good look at him yet. It was too big and not shaped right with a large head and prominent forehead features. It was humanoid and dressed in clothes made from the furs of animals that had been shaped into leggings, boots also of fur, and he was so massive in his chest area and chest muscles that he had the girth of several men. His chest seemed too big to have a shirt on.

After I saw it like this for a bit...something was different about it. It was bald and facing the wrong way so I hadn't been able to see him from the front. But then slowly but surely it turned to face me. The nose was long and thick with a heavy looking forehead. It was the most intimidating thing I'd seen in this world yet.

Not good.

It wasn't human after all, plus it was like eight or nine feet tall. It surprised me too, seeing horns on his forehead that pointed straight up and his ears were pointed, though he was clearly too bulky and big to be an elf. His beard was shaggy and wiry at the same time with skin that wasn't quite as ugly as the orcs, but more evil looking by several levels. In short, he almost looked like a blend of human and orc, but on mega steroids and super tall, while also managing to look like he could snap a man in half with huge hands. He sort of had a skin color between the color of orcs and humans all mixed into one. Not only that but his muscles on his arms and hands looked so powerful the tendons were sticking out like steel cables under the skin.

What was he? It wasn't an orc, but somehow I guessed it was something with similar genes. Whatever he was, he was scary.

Then I saw he was carrying a long handled, heavy looking sledge hammer with an iron head. This was also the first time I'd seen iron weapons in this world that I knew of, but I doubt he'd made it himself. He'd probably acquired it somewhere, by force, since his aura was obviously sinister and cruel looking. Nor was he dressed like a craftsman or artisan of any kind.

He roared at me with such deep lung capacity that he could fill the room with echoes. Then he charged at me, loping along on his legs that were somehow bow legged.

I ran like crazy. He was way over matched for me and it didn't take a genius to be able to figure that out. But just because he was uber strong didn't mean he couldn't run fast. He chased me all over the room, and I was lucky I had pretty good balance because going up the stairs that fast I nearly tripped several times.

I somehow managed to dodge and roll when I got up on the balcony, while his massive hammer smashed into the rock. From his powerful hit a lot of masonry sections of the balcony rail broke away and sent a shower of broken rock and dust everywhere.

I kept running while he ran up behind me, sometimes missing me with his swings by hairs breadths. I would have to evade him and keep going. He was too big and too strong. It was only the fact that he limped slightly with his right leg why I hadn't died yet.

My lungs were heaving. Was I going to die? I couldn't give up! I also wished the room was larger, even though its size wasn't too bad. After all when a big guy is chasing you, no dungeon room is big enough when you need running room.

"Stop! Please!" I cried out for mercy to whatever had summoned this thing.

"I pulled this out of the memories of the orc boss. It's actually one of the previous orc fortress' leaders. He's obviously not an orc, as you can see, but orcs don't mind have an ogre leader once in awhile. Of course the catch is that if it keeps their bellies full of meat. With a full belly and a chance to pillage they don't get too picky who leads them. Orcs don't do well and have a lot of civil disorder when they are hungry from any leader though. That's what matters to them. Are you proud of me making such a cool minion with my abilities? Don't worry, I didn't enhance this one like the others, since I didn't need to," she seemed cheerful. She chuckled.

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