Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 45 Part B

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Dreamweaver Chapter 45 part B

Later in the day the gnomes threw us another good dinner, at least to them it was good. It was supposed to be some kind of meet and greet to get involved with their community but 99% of everyone couldn't understand each other's language. So we just kind of ended up nodding at each other.

Still it did show the gnomes were trying to help.

Many of us got sick from their terrible Spartan cooking but it seemed like it was some special gnome holiday but I was too tired to understand the specifics because of trying to keep up with helping everyone adjust. And because it was a holiday we couldn't duck and cover to escape the terrible soups they made that resembled toxic sludge. It was supposed to be some kind of pea soup, except it wasn't made from peas. It was...something else.

After dinner the gnomes acted out their history for us in a play format with the children taking on roles and doing most of the work while the adults watched. They acted out a few battles and narrated events that I think were showing how they'd gotten to this warren, how their first leader was chosen, and a few religious skits that made no sense whatsoever. Some of the skits looked like past battles to defend their colony.

The ones about the battles did sound interesting once I'd realized what it was. But it wasn't always easy to understand their squeaky voices.

I hadn't been able to meet with the gnome elder all day. They'd been busy preparing for this event. But it was annoying.

I was desperate for progress and hoping for a chance to have him teach me anything that might help us survive better. I wanted to ask him how the blue screens worked again. I still think he knew something. I'd have to trick him somehow into revealing it.

Still I wasn't able to tell how to switch which dream state I went into or which girl I'd end up with seeing.

Then we all went to start to get ready for bed. This was a new development as I entered the tent. There was a partition in our tent to separate my side from Rina, Yumi, and Asakura's side of the tent now. Naturally the partition wasn't even so I got the small side. But what concerned me more was if my side would be cold at night since it was cut off from the others.

Who had put that partition there? Truthfully they needed it more for Yumi than for me.

I gave each of them a hug before going to sleep. Rina suggested it of course, but actually considering the awful amount of death and mayhem we'd seen in the past week it was a good idea.

Of course Yumi declined the hug. Rina wanted to make it longer and tighter, and I had to push her away abruptly. She also needed a treatment before going to bed, which we took care of. Asakura was last and held me for quite awhile gently. It seemed like we didn't want to part and it felt very warm. That is until Rina started making a ruckus, to embarrass us.

We both glared at her with daggers for eyes, but she was just happy she'd split us up again. She somehow went back into a tame Jekyll mode right after that. She put up such a good show, if it were any better she would've had a tail and it would be wagging.

The tent feels good so we don't have to lay in the cavern's dirt and rock floor. But there isn't much here in the tent. It's basically lying on the ground. Since Rina uses my school uniform blazer jacket as her shirt I don't even have anything to use as a pillow or a blanket. At least the tent floor is good material and doesn't absorb water.

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