Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 30

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Dreamweaver chapter 30

"I don't know! Ahh man! I was told they were indestructible!" Akira said. He coughed at the end, but seemed to have his breath back. But I could tell he was really nervous about further engagement of the ogre. He even hopped back a few times in fear prematurely of what he thought was going to be an incoming blow, but really wasn't.

I can't blame him for that.

"Eh?" I wondered, still fighting orcs. Did he know or hear something else that he hadn't told me about them?

We kept the other orcs clear of engaging Yumi and her magic shield, but she could only absorb damage and not actually get into a position of countering the ogre, or doing anything offense. Despite all her tremendous power, it was entirely defensive in nature. This was partly due to the fact that the ogre had really long and lanky arms and more reach than she did including its weapon's length as well, but even if it wasn't an ogre I doubted she'd do much against the orcs besides holding them back.

"Are you guys going to help me now?! Help please! Who's going to help me? Now's a good time to jump in," Yumi pleaded, her voice full of panic.

But I had my hands full. All I could do was try to swing my arms faster, and grit my teeth.

The ogre was seeing the half panic lilt in her voice and ragged mental state easily too. Somehow it was drooling a lot in anticiption of things to come, and it seemed that he thought he would have a free meal from his hard work paying off soon. Ogre tongues are also really long and ugly and have lots of pustules that cling to them like barnacles, I then found out.


It didn't help that Yumi was good looking either.

"When Akira and Akimoto met up to talk about how to counter Yuta and his campaign, we were told then about some of the jobs they'd discovered," Yuriko said.

"And?" Sensei asked.

"You really think now is the time to chat?" I said angrily.

"We were told by Akimoto the defender shields would hold up under any type of damage available, but that doesn't appear to be holding up," she said under stress.

"Oh. But could he have lied to you?" I suggested.

"No, he was being straight with us. He did tell us he wouldn't tell us a few of his secrets, but that he would be up front with his hidden things beforehand and be open with however long our temporary alliance against Yuta lasts. That's why I don't think he lied to us, because he had full disclosure on what he did tell us," Yuriko said.

Somehow I didn't think that made it any better.

"But does he also have a secret alliance with Yuta against you guys?" was my next question.

"I hadn't thought of that. It's a possibility," Akira said. "I mean it could happen but he probably sees Yuta as a bigger threat for now, if he already has an alliance with us...would he? Is ...that betrayal if he also had an agreement with him doing the same thing?" He huffed while the fighting continued.

"Hmm, that's interesting. Does that then mean the orcs have jobs and magic too? The ogre might have an anti-shield skill maybe?" Rina asked.

Did she realize what she was asking though? I doubt she did. She'd probably said it by accident. Rina wasn't stupid though, but just innocent in many ways. But this idea seemed possible. In fact, that gave me a really heavy awful kind of feeling in my heart. If that's true then...

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