Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 37

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Dreamweaver Chapter 37

At length it came time to break the news and discuss things with the others. We finally gone back to camp and with gnome present we were also able to draw from his knowledge of what his people knew of the orcs while we discussed the situation everyone available at the time. But I was surprised people still wanted to talk about a prisoner exchange even though we told them the orcs were believed to be surrounding us.

There were actually too many things to ask gnome that I really wanted to go over. But we had to focus on what was in front of us directly at the moment. If we didn't focus on talking sense into the people without common sense then who knows what would happen.

It seemed that the difficult question on our minds was, what to do about the prisoner exchange, and also if we fight, stay here, or run from this place probably while also fighting as we journeyed. I also feared they'd be willing to trade the wrong people for the prisoners.

"You can't seriously be thinking of giving the orcs women for trade can you?" a girl asked in open hostility. She had her arms folded and seemed to be facing off against Akimoto. Her face was angry red like she'd held her breath for a full minute.

Both Akira and I had the good sense to shut up and stay quiet to size up the mood of the women first. We were both giving each other a look like deer in the headlights because neither of us wanted to be the first to talk in a hot potato discussion like this one.

But Akimoto wasn't as shrewd that way.

This conversation alone would get some people dumped by girls they were friends with on the spot. It was like the girls were seeing red and murder for the first time and the vast majority of them were very polarized on this concept, because after all they knew the orcs wanted girls. It would be pointed at whoever was willing to go along with the trading humans deal. I can't say they were justified however, much of their resentment was self-motivated being afraid they'd be the one traded, I think.

I couldn't help but see that Rina was giving me a pleading look. She was afraid what that might mean. She stayed really close with her head leaning against my arm for parts of the conversation.

"They won't really trade us will they?" she whispered.

Briefly Akira and I had already explained the parley and situation to the other students who were all gathered around, except for a few scouts that were keeping an eye on things around us.

"So they will give back five people that can fight for one girl that gets to be the orc's sex slave?" Gangster girl asked. She was looking like she'd just gotten sick to her stomach.

"That doesn't sound like a very good career," Yuriko snorted.

"It's a bad situation and not our fault. We didn't suggest this to them. They brought it to us," Akimoto countered.

"I'd rather die than be with those filthy and ugly pig orcs," another girl said.

"So this is why people do Seppuku huh?" another said.

"Shun, whatever happens don't abandon us please, please, please," I heard Asakura whisper in my ear from behind. She was pushing up tightly hugging me from behind with more force than necessary because she was scared. I could feel the wonderful feeling of her upper chest pushing into me, and since hers were larger than others by a large margin. It was like a heavy poking softness that spread warmth into my back.

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