Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 45 Part A

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Dreamweaver Chapter 45 Part A

Author Note; Hi readers! Thanks for all your support. Quick note that this is like the biggest chapter I'd written yet. When I finally had the thing ready to upload I realized it was nearly 8,000 words. So I split it in half and will put up the second half tomorrow. I apologize for the inconvenience but want the readers to know I'm trying to make this a good story that will last for a while. I also am not purposefully slowing things down but want to keep the parts manageable. If I try to upload something too big there are all kinds of problems that can come up.

Day 3 since entering the gnomes' warren...

It's taking getting used to the gnomes way of live and their terrible food. We've also had to punish some of the complainers that wanted to give the gnomes a piece of their mind without thinking of the consequences.

Daily we are trying to get a routine established and figure out how to live. Initially it seems that a lot of people are sleeping a lot too to rest from their mental exhaustion and from all of the trauma that they've seen. The gnome elder tells me that is pretty normal when I was worried about it at first.

We are also starting to realize that the gnomes are still worried about if they made the right decision to help us. So we need to focus on building trust with them.

But the argument of, 'if the orcs don't kill us their food surely will' is hard to contest still. I've also building up my gag reflex against it, but at least we're not starving. The lack of a sun and little light throughout their warren has made concept of time much harder though; but I'm glad I have a watch, though it's not in good shape.

I wonder how long the battery would last in this world...

I made a breakthrough in training today, or rather a potential breakthrough.

It happened after my exhaustive work on trying to help get the others healed up and after all the naps I had to take. But it's only one small part in the bigger scope of things. I have much further to go and to train harder to get stronger.

Despite gangster girl declining to help me train in magic, I bribed one of her friends during lunch to spy for me and watch her train. My reasoning was if she couldn't do magic in the first place then they might not care if she watched since she's already around those people most of the time anyway.

I had spent quite a bit of time thinking about it. I had hit her up for her help right after she had the gnomes' soup, which made things easier. By doing it that way I think her nearly choking on the terrible smelly stuff stirred up her desire to find things that can give her a better life and made her more susceptible to give in from an already desperate situation.

First I had to think that if I paid the girl everything up front in total I'd get nothing out of her and there would be no incentive for success. So I had to structure it to where she felt a little bit of the honey, but not all of it. She had to also know the amount up front paled compared to what was coming for her hard work. So I gave her one silver coin up front, and told her every time she could tell me something new about how the other girl was practicing and with specific details she'd be given some bribe money, but of course she has to have details.

"But what if I get caught?" she asked getting stressed out.

"Well how would they catch you? There's nothing for a non magic job to gain. You could just say you are fascinated with their skill and they'll think they only saw you watching, not actually doing anything wrong," I argue back.

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