Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 48

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Chapter 48

Day 6 since entering the gnomes' warren...

I continued to go through the chi exercises and the different sand vortex adaption exercises. Each day I also go through the mana training exercises that fox girl has been teaching me. I'd been going for several hours. It was hard work. By the time I get anywhere I'm sweating like crazy from exertions.

How much longer before I could heal more and be stronger I kept wondering? I wash my face for a long time trying to get rid of stress from the water skin I'd been lent by the gnomes. It's something I'll have to give back later, since it's on loan.

Was this the limit of my strength? I wish I can do more. There are so many people in need too.

Pushing harder I also worked and jogging too from one side of the room to the other. But I avoided the stairs since that wouldn't help my knees.

After several hours working at it, that's all I could manage?

I was breathing hard.

"Haa, haa, wow that was hard." I wipe off the sweat from my forehead. Then I just stand ready to pass out.

Fox Girl was still missing. Or maybe just hiding from me.

Dang it!

This early part of working with her was the most critical. If I just let things happen without trying hard I would forever be behind and not catch up to where I needed to be.

But then I had another thought. What would happen if I opened the demon box and sorted through its inventory while inside the dream state? Would things look the same?

Ever since discovering the human meat stored in it a long time ago at the beginning I'd been reluctant to use it much since that had weirded me out so badly. But recent explanations by Fox Girl had shown me this wasn't just a magic item, but an actual artifact of some kind.

But of course there would be human meat both finished and unfinished in jerky form in the demon inventory slot system because the previous owner was a boss orc.

There had to be more to it. I felt there were a lot of mysterious and suspicious things about that spatial inventory box.

Careful I opened the box.

Sure enough my axe was there. The clothes that I'd salvaged from the others were also still there. The slots were mostly empty in the normal un-hidden area. I'd thrown away the meat but not other things that I wasn't sure about.

Then I triggered the hidden area to open.

Ten slots.

Think, I told myself.

If Fox Girl had a slave collar then she must have a soul crystal. There had to be a way to get this thing to work too. If she had her own crystal then she wouldn't be trapped in the box anymore. That was my biggest inspiration so far. It feels like a solid lead.

But where was it?

What had I missed?

I scratch my head a lot going over it.

There were a bunch of different types of gems of all kinds in a really big pile, but they were all of them broken for unknown reasons why. Some of the pieces were jagged and sharp enough to get cut on if I didn't handle them right. I also was careful not to lose any of the shards yet, since they were also clues about the box's uses.

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