Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 2

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Dreamweaver Chapter 2

The coughing continued for a long time. It was completely dark all around us. I felt around even while trying to cover my mouth with the lapel of my school uniform jacket to cough into and breathe better. But the air was terrible and full of dirt and felt chalky. I held my breath as long as I could and covered my mouth with my shirt. It was hard to not take in any and then after I exhaled I had to only take in small amounts slowly while filtering it as much as possible.

After a long time the dust seemed to keep settling but only slowly. But the suffering had lasted so long while everyone was also coughing and trying to adapt. Around me I knew the other students were still alive, because I could hear everyone else still coughing too.

"Poor Jin..." someone said, in a heartbroken voice, another boy in our class. It was one of the kids who hung out with him, but I didn't know his name. Our school had a lot of kids after all, and sometimes at the start of the school's new year people came in and out from other schools nearby.

" you ...mean? He brought it ...cough...on himself...cough..," said boy #2. I also didn't know him; after all they were the wrong crowd to hang out with. Nor did I want to get to know them.

"Are we going to die?" Someone said pitifully, in a hoarse choke.

Others were also mumbling weird despaired comments.

"Pull it together. Jeez your parents work at the city hospital. You should have more guts," said Tanagawa. Her tone of voice was cold as usual. She was sort of tough in her attitude, but she wasn't trying to be mean...I think.

"Ugh...I con't feel good,"


"I need my mom too," someone else said.

There was all kinds of people all saying stuff and some of it was a blur. I didn't catch all of it, but felt around me.

"Yumi? Are you OK?" I asked.

"Yeah....cough...cough..this bad...need to get out," she responded.

"Are you there sensei?" Some of the students cried out.

Gradually the dust was settling piece by piece but for some reason it was still really heavily dark outside.

"Why is it so dark? It's just morning..." someone said.

"Yeah isn't that weird?" another kid spouted off.

"Jin's such a dumbass," another said.

"Everyone just stay calm and quiet. If everyone is talking and panicking we'll never get through this! Quiet please," Sensei said commandingly.

"Uh, ok," several of them murmured at once. Still it was a bit noisy. I heard some plaster and sand falling from bits in the ceiling.

"It's so dark, sensei. We can't see a thing!" someone said.

"Yeah, why is it dark so quick?"


The students hushed up quickly.

I could feel Yumi holding my arm for support. "Oh thank goodness you're not hurt. I was worried. Hey we need to find your sister fast!" she hissed.

My gut wrenched. "Yeah, I was thinking that too." (I was honestly.) But even though Yumi had found me it was probably by feeling around and just stumbling into me. It wasn't like any of us knew where we were or could tell what was going on.

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