Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 46

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Dreamweaver Chapter 46

Day 4 since entering the gnomes' warren...


That's what this day was. It wasn't as bad as the orc invasions but it had a lot of negative things happen.

First, I awoke up to Asakura waking me and shaking my arm with a very concerned look stating that Rina had a fever again. She'd noticed when checking on her early in the morning and discovering a lot of night sweat.

I knew the partition was a stupid idea. Being able to keep Rina out of the red zone meant spotting problems early on. I would've had a higher chance of noticing her in this state without it up. So I rip down the ragged cloth of unknown origin. I angrily throw it outside the tent into the darkness of a bunch of cave rocks. Asakura doesn't mind, so I don't think she put it up.

Not only that, but the partition is a tool of distrust. It was put up because of putting other people in the group below others. That was what made me mad about it.

I can also see the sleeping arrangements of the girl's side of the tent. Parrelel from left to right and closest to me going farther away from me the order was Asakura, Rina, and then Yumi.

I'm grateful that the tent is clean. Ironically being in a cavern there are less insects to bite us at night.

I found Rina dressed in the gnome overalls asleep. Mostly she used my old uniform jacket on the outside to cover things up when outside but while sleeping she only had the overalls weren't very good at covering up completely all the chest areas. They did to a certain extent but it was scandalizingly close to not doing so. In the night seemed really daring because a lot of skin was showing.

But at least she didn't complain. Wait is that bad that she's not complaining?

Also remembering what had happened awhile back, was she wearing gnome overalls so she couldn't be bare bottom spanked again if it were to come up? Did she realize how much skin she was showing? She also couldn't sleep on her back well because she was still sore from the spanking she'd received a couple days ago.

This was a brother's nightmare. What do I do? I needed to protect her.

Near her Yumi was probably trying to get an eyeful and I wish I'd noticed this sooner. Yumi was now pretending to be asleep, but I couldn't help but notice where her head and eyes were pointed.

Seriously that kid was like a dirty old man. Yumi's breathing didn't look right for someone who was really sleeping either. I took note of it; her chest rising and falling was too much and too excited for a sleeping person too. She had the makings for at least the spirit and psychology of some kind of wolf beastkin. She looked a bit too happy too. Yumi should have told us she was having breathing trouble and night sweat I realized...seriously what a pervert. And yes, girls can be perverts too I reminded myself. How long was she going to observe without telling us she was having trouble?

I have to keep her chastity intact...yep. It's inevitable. Yumi needs to be defeated.

But how? If I did anything the whole camp would think it's like a molester on a girl or she'd say it was like that. It does look bad with a guy punishing a girl, either they'd think it was assault or abuse.

Not to worry. I could keep my guard up while I found a solution. I couldn't give up. Rina was dependent on me!

I should probably talk to Rina about am I a parent now? It wasn't Rina's fault but she should know about the wolves circling for honey. Oh crap. Now that I think about it. I have to step up since dad isn't here. That means the classical shotgun carrying dad figure anytime a boy gets close to her.

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