Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 40

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Dreamweaver chapter 40

In the same way as before somehow she'd pulled me through the inky black distortion again. It took a few seconds for the vertigo and heavy feeling of being pulled through like some kind of small gravity well to go away. Finally my feet felt settled.

"That takes getting used to," Fox Girl chuckled. "The first time for me I fell over, but you've kept on your feet," she complimented.

Strangely enough I was surprised when Fox Girl explained to me why the cell of the dying girl was now empty. We were both staring at the now empty cell where she'd been not too long ago, where only seconds before light particles were evaporating into thin air over where the body was. The mana tie in from Sunghee had already worked, but she wanted me to see what had happened.

It was very sad. I felt a lump in my throat but...the damage was probably so bad maybe her dying was like being set free out of a cage.

"The demon box is based on magic very similar to dungeon magic. That's why her body faded. I thought you would like to see it," she said.

"I don't want to see that," I said.

She contested it seriously, "but you need to. You need to understand that we are real people trapped in here!" I noticed that she'd lit up some kind of floating light spell too that hovered near her.

"I guess that's true. I'm sorry you are trapped in here too. Help me to understand it better please? But I don't care for seeing people die much," I said.

"Dungeon magic when someone dies in it, their body is eaten by the dungeon, fueling the dungeon's power and strength, not to mention its sustenance and how it feeds. Everybody knows that and in human mythology there are probably hints of it, yes. So it's different than the surface where there's a body and guts lying around," she added.

"But if they disappear when they die is it fake? Like they were transformed into shadow or illusion creatures once they began living in the box? Is it not real?"

"Oh it's very real. Let the orcs stab you and it'll become real enough. You'll feel how real the pain is for sure!" she encouraged, acting as if she'd not mind if I bled a little.

"And Sunghee absorbed her life essence before she faded? It worked without any problems or side effects?" I wanted to confirm.

"Of course...although Sunghee may absorb some of her strengths... it's still working while the body is fading though," she was looking at something in her mind.

"Eh? You mean like a power up?" I asked curiously.

"I don't like this just so you know. I only did it because it could help repair the damage the orc's boss did. But yes, she probably will be stronger than before because of taking some of the other girl's life force in addition to countering the orc filth in her."

"That's good! This world is already hellish enough. Something to get her stronger with should be good," I said.

"It might not all be positive traits absorbed," she warned.


Long silence...

"What about the loot?" I asked trying not to scowl.

She grumbled and then paused for a bit. Then she fished something out of her pocket. "Fine, here." She handed me a small leather bag that could fit in the palm of my hand. It had a nice weight feel to it. There wasn't a lot there, considering when I peeked inside they were mostly copper pieces by the look of it.

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