Kidnapped to Another World Dreamweaver Chapter 21

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Dreamweaver chapter 21

Going to meet Akira....Part 1

We left our hideaway spot rather quickly and within a few minutes of walking with a good pace, we'd already gotten to the area near where the others of our school were gathered. Slowly we wound our way down through the string of grass huts along the woods edge and its interior pathways. Much of this was also happening to be using paths of well worn deer trails that wound through the terrain. We could tell this because of the deer pellets they'd left behind, in addition to the foot tracks. This had been the case since our area started finding places for the huts to be built in the woods but I'd not noticed it until now when Sensei pointed it out.

"See the how worn and dry the trail is from years of deer roving through this area looking for the richer and longer grass, growing in the shadows of the trees," sensei said, pointing it out.

"They seem to be able to smell where the good grass is from a long way away huh?" I noticed.

"Ahh, so that's how they figured out how to arrange the huts!" Rina exclaimed in fascination. "I wondered why there was already a trail going through the area! It's amazing! Maybe we'll get to see a baby deer!" Rina laughed like an innocent kid.

Well we are all kids still, since we're mostly around 16 except for sensei. Somehow her laugh helped the rest of us feel better though.

"Actually maybe if we're able to get to eat a baby deer that would be more interesting," Yumi said smugly. She was partly messing with Rina, but also she was really hungry like the rest of us. If we were to get any hungrier I'm sure we'd become ravenous wolves.

Rina gave her a shocked look briefly but then got over it.

"Eating a deer, baby or not, would give us a lot of meat huh? If only we could figure out how to get one before it could escape," Sensei sighed.

"I know right? The problem is they jump and run so quickly!" I exclaimed in frustration.

"Is it time for her heal treatment yet?" Yumi asked me, seriously.

"We can wait a bit first," I said nodding to her.

"So do lots of deer come through here? If we don't find one I'll be upset!" Rina laughed again. Uh oh, she was obsessed with cute things. Girls wanting cute things can be dangerous sometimes.

Yumi brightened up, "ahh that would be good for a stew huh? Wouldn't that be wonderful?"

"EEEEEK!" Rina exclaimed. "You'd murder the baby deer?!"

"Ahh, I think it's like triage Rina. Right now it's either them or us, but life is harsh and there's not room for both," I joked.

"Actually, the way this world works I'm afraid the deer would be some kind of mutated monster of some kind," Yumi grumbled.

"Don't jinx us," I whispered.

Some of the huts had developed a bit better now and were looking sturdier. People were getting used to the idea that we had to make our lives better on our own and that there wasn't going to be an immediate rescue from anyone. They'd tried to reinforce the support branches most of all, and you could see kids climbing nearby trees to get the green flexible branches at the top. In some cases they didn't bother to avoid stripping the trees of the same areas for branches, and now those trees had bald spots. Others had harvested big sheets of bark sheaths from some types of the very same stripped bare trees, which they'd used for ceiling panels.

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