Kidnapped to Another World Chapter 23

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Dreamweaver chapter 23

"Well do you want the good new or the bad news first?" I said, after I thought about it quickly.

"Huh?" Akira and Yuriko said, both at once.

"You heard me," I replied. I gave them a serious look so they knew I meant business.

They both looked at each other, but then Akira spoke up, "if there is any good news I'd want to hear it. I only see bad news so far. Is there really anything good?"

I shrugged, "depends on the situation. If you don't cooperate with me it could all be bad news in the end. I need you to follow my instruction to the letter. No half promise stuff either. For me to help you I need full commitment and no deception."

"Eh?" Yuriko was confused, but she mostly was trying to stay quiet and let us work it out.

"Hey Shun are you OK in there?" I heard Sensei walk up close to the lean to. She stayed outside, but she noticed I was in there quite a while.

"Don't worry, just give us some time and space for a bit. Don't let anyone listen for awhile OK?"

"Got it. Hang in there," I then heard sensei walk away from the shack again.

"So you will help me?" Akira asked with pleading eyes. "Or rather can you? I just thought maybe we'd team up somehow. Is that full commitment? But if you can really do something..." he was looking at me curiously.

I folded my arms over my chest defiantly. "I might be able to try something that can help but...the problem is I don't want a king. If you insist on this king business I don't want to be involved. So you have to give it up or change the idea for me to help you."

Yuriko's face fell. "That's not fair!"

"Neither is having a king fair," I replied.

"That's true," Akira admitted.

Yuriko's face twitched. "Actually I was mad at him on this king business too. I don't like it either, but if Yuta becomes king..." she seemed to tremble slightly.

Akira's didn't look bad however. He shrugged, "actually I don't want to be king either, but I just don't want Akimoto and Yuta to be king. You feel me? Actually you are better at this leader stuff than I am."

We all nodded. "Yeah, makes sense. Maybe we can persuade the voters and the others to do like a different leadership structure instead of a king? Would you work for that?" I asked.

"Like what? He asked, his forehead wrinkled up from stress.

"Well I'm just asking off the top of my head, but anything sounds better than a king. Except, no lawyers either," I insisted. I'd read a lot of articles about how lawyers were ruining several different countries...

"I could go for that. But we need some muscle and support. They have the rangers, and a few others. We may have to arm people and get them organized. It might even come to a fight," Akira said.

Yuriko and I groaned. Neither of us liked fighting terribly. Who does right? It's painful...

"Well that's still better than a king," Yuriko said. I was surprised she'd say it too and voice some support.

"So if you are really on board with this, I need a firm promise from you that we won't do a king system," I said. I looked at him carefully watching for any sign of deception, but I didn't see any so far. I'd known Akira for a few years. I wasn't sure if I knew everything about him though.

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