Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 27

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Dreamweaver chapter 27

"Shun! Shun! Wake up!" Rina was desperately half shaking me to death with urgency. She had crawled into the lean-to structure but was mostly sticking half out of it, because I was barely in it myself. She'd had to stretch her arms out because there wasn't a lot of room in it since Akira was so big, nor was there room to stand up in it because the roof had such a big slant. She was too upset to notice him, plus it was kind of dark in the back of the lean to anyway.

It seemed that the wound in my arm from the dream was completely gone. But I frowned knowing I hadn't had a chance to ask the fox girl everything that I'd wanted to. I had no idea when she'd even let me talk to her, since it was obvious that she was the one in control of what had happened.

I struggled to become more awake. Right now sleep sounded pretty wonderful.

I couldn't help but notice someone had redone Rina's hair, which meant I'd probably been asleep longer than I thought. It was now in twin tail style hanging down by her ears where it was tied. Probably Yumi's doing, I thought remembering her unnatural fixation on her. She didn't realize she needed to do more buttons up on my jacket though, so I pointed at them for her to fix.

"Who vandalized your hair?" I teased.

She hit me playfully, "silly Shun. It's not that bad." She managed to crack a smile.

"Is he getting up?" Sensei asked desperately. Her voice was coming from outside of it, probably standing guard. They both sounded scared. I could hear someone else walking through the grass near her outside.

"Yeah he's fine now," Rina answered back, turning her head to face outside.

"What's going on? Why are you upset?" I asked, rubbing the sleep from my eyes.

"Shun, something's wrong. We're like... I don't know I'm hearing people are panicking near us for some reason. It just started less than a minute ago and we heard a bunch of shouting and screaming. But then it got really quiet fast. Now we heard it in another part of the woods but don't know what it is," Akira said in his deep voice. "I just got up a few minutes before you," he explained.

"You're sure? Is anyone checking it out?" I asked sitting up straight.

"You sure do sleep soundly Shun," Rina said.

As if she had room to talk, I thought.

"Uh guys, we just saw like a whole bunch of the ranger kids run by and the defenders with them and their magic shields were activated. I don't know where they are going, but it doesn't look good. We just heard people like yelling and screaming from like a half a mile down trail in the other section of woods and huts," Sensei called into the tent frantically.

"Just now?" I reply in shock.

She nodded back, as I was staring out the opening.

"Uh, that's bad," Rina confirmed from somewhere outside. She'd also gone back outside after all, so Akira wouldn't look down her shirt when she was leaning forward to talk to me, since she still only had my uniform outer jacket.

"Get everyone together. We need to get moving," I said quickly.

"Where's Yuriko?" Akira asked.

"I'm here to! I'm not going anywhere honey! I've just been standing guard," She said, calling to us from outside.

"Eh? Did she just call him honey?" Rina whispered.

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