Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 44

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Dreamweaver chapter 44

Day 2 since entering the gnomes' warren...

Shun's Journal

Something curious happened today...

Our camp of refugees still isn't organized yet. The gnomes are putting pressure on us to have a better organizational system so that we can work with them well, be effective, streamline the process of working with them to only having to explain things once, and be accountable. Of course I can't rush this since two key players were involved in wanting a king.

I discussed this with Asakura in secret. She still seems to be insistent on following me around, despite her earlier objections to a relationship. Of course it was like the events of the previous day had never even happened. The mask on both of our faces also gave no hints, though her eyes lingered on my face for a while almost expectantly...We came to the following conclusions after working it out together.

Was she hoping I'd bring it up or not? Sometimes it's hard to tell.

Our meeting notes were as follows;

-The gnomes will not wait for us to fix our lives forever. They don't want us dependent on them in case things don't work out. They'd treat us like adults because they had to and will not baby us. In other words they were going to pick a deadline for how long we could stay, which worried me greatly.

-The gnomes didn't have infinite resources. They would be more likely to help us if they perceived it was profitable to do so, but want us to understand they have costs to run their colony too. The others needed to understand this concept, and that the gnomes wouldn't have the patience our parents would.

-Asakura reminded me of the power of money to reinforce my position. The gnomes would easily recognize me as the human power structure because I was working out with them the 'rent'. I should push this advantage, she reiterated to me more than once. I can point out to them that the others can't deal with the 'rent'.

-The others wouldn't like everything we did no matter how good it turned out. There would always be some complaints and I needed practice deflecting these kinds of activities and practice with not letting it get under my skin.

-I could start meeting with the gnomes automatically and distribute needs and to do lists to our people right away while bringing in other sub-leaders slowly as we gained support to mitigate complaints.

I was once again reminded that Asakura was a great asset that I needed to try to continue to win her over. As an advisor she helped me to see some details I hadn't considered when dealing with issues. In spite of recent events, she wasn't tied down to me and that loyalty wasn't cemented in my camp yet. Since she was this smart she could possibly even think of how to live on her own. Luckily things were going well but I couldn't take that for granted.

The fact that she could be this smart meant she could think for herself and act on her own. Also lately I'd noticed she didn't always spend all her time with me, though most of it was. I wonder what she did when she was on her own.

"But what about voting? Will I be seen as a tyrant if I'm not put in office by a vote?" I asked.

She thought about it, but shrugged, "In the end it's better to start right away and work out the details rather than having mass hunger and desperation creating crime and potential for anarchy. They will start to feel the effects over time of those things much quicker than their desire to vote, and that will help them to be more emotionally grounded too. Then we can add the other things like letting them have more say in how it will work. A vote right now would capitalize on their depression and desperation anyway. The problem with living in a chaotic world is it breeds chaos in the people from them thinking crap like only the strong should survive and other nonsense."

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