Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 24

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Dreamweaver chapter 24

"Eh?! You're not an orc, who is there?!" A girl's voice was in front of me gasping in surprise, coming from a dark corner of the room. It was the voice of someone who was afraid.

"Who are you?" she asked desperately. I heard a rattle of something metal like chains.

It was kind of dark here, and it looked like it was underground somewhere. I turned around slowly looking at the whole place. It looked like stone castle like walls of carefully done masonry, and we were in a room of some kind. But my eyes were still getting used to the darkness. I looked around some more trying to figure out where I was.

It was puzzling at first.

There were torches hanging from braziers outside a metal barred cell wall. It looked like a jail of some kind with bars on the entire door, window, and other open areas, which included some kind of air vent, and a slot under the door's window. I was trapped in a jail cell of some kind with the door shut and no way out.

"Wh-what is this place? Where am I?" I asked looking around. Was I trapped? How would I get out?

"You're not the boss orc?!" the girl said in surprise again once she could see me finally from the corner.

"Do I look like an orc?!" I exclaimed. "I hope I'm not that ugly."

"Uh, yeah, not an orc, definitely not an orc," she said. But something about her behavior was completely off.

"Who are you? Where are we?" I asked suddenly. It didn't appear that anyone else was here except for me and the girl.

I turned towards her and approached the dark corner. There she was tied to the bed, naked. At least the bed was clean, but she was tied spread eagled with her arms pulled in tight chains going to the top two bed posts each and her legs chained open, also in tight chains around her knees and ankles so everything was showing and she couldn't close her legs.

Being one of the prime slaves of the orc harem, she of course was one of the best looking girls they'd ever captured since only the leaders get the good looking women. And of course the better looking girls would be secured to make sure they couldn't ever get away, because they knew how hard it was to get a good looking one that didn't have all kinds of gaurds around her.

The lower orcs fought over the chance to have even a few minutes with the others in the breeding pits. As a result she had overly large boobs, but not as big as Sensei's after all. I tried not to stare but couldn't help but notice her nipples were long and erect and her eyes were dilated. Her nipples were the biggest and thickest I'd ever seen or...perceived to be possible though.

I frowned. Her eyes shouldn't be dilated.

She also had a shiny silver collar on of some kind with some strange runes on it. Her hair was black and long in a ponytail as her only form of adornments of any kind though, and she did look Asian but wasn't Japanese I think. Something about it was very close, but different in some way. At least that's how it looked. She also wasn't as young as I was being a teenager, but looked like she was mid or late twenties and very physically fit and toned abs and really light colored and beautiful skin. I don't think I'd ever seen a girl this beautiful. She was probably even just barely above Asakura and Asakura was the most beautiful girl I knew. 

She'd been drugged it seemed. But with what I couldn't say. At least she seemed coherent. The effect of whatever she'd been drugged with was probably keeping her calm. Apparently it was an massive over time constant phase of endless aphrodisiacs of some kind and she had a lot of girl's fluid leaking out below dripping out onto the bed constantly because of it...and she was sometimes hiccupping. Sometimes she'd drool a bit and had a wild look in her eyes. She was obviously trapped in a state of sexual euphoria against her will, but that was also keeping her from being suicial at the same time.

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