Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver 20

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Dreamweaver chapter 20

After leaving the meeting we also pretended to feign ignorance and hide how angry we were when we'd walked past the ranger guards. It was obvious they were looking at people and taking note who looked like potential trouble. Even after leaving the meeting spot area, we'd noticed people were suddenly asking for people's whereabouts and where they were going and that hadn't happened before now. It was clear the three king candidates wanted to keep an eye on people.

We'd traveled out of earshot of the others and found a place much deeper in the woods, which was secluded to discuss our options.

But that doesn't mean we thought we were safe. We had to be careful and make sure no one stumbled on our conversation, and we nervously kept watching the area around us to make sure nothing could sneak up on us. In short, we hadn't gotten to this spot until a good twenty minutes of wandering to the deepest part of the woods had been spent. Here the foliage had been so thick that if we were to get separated from each other it would be hard to find each other. The dirt here was darker and a bit moist compared to the other parts of the forest too, because of having less sunlight getting through the really tall tree tops. It also looked like an area few people had ever been to.

"Eh? So what are we going to do?" I wondered aloud. I was pacing a bit as we tried to figure it out, once we thought it was safe to talk.

"I don't like this at all," Yumi muttered. But then again, Yumi didn't like anything. She was dour pretty much all the time. But her redeeming traits were that she was loyal and would follow people she cared about into hell.

She was our sentry so far, keeping an eye on the entrance to the hidden woody enclosure we'd found to meet up in, after several minutes of hiking.

"Yeah, I was thinking the same thing," Sensei said, holding my arm with subtlety, which I suddenly realized. She seemed to be really stuck to me ever since we found out I could do magic. This plus the revelation that she was a closet gamer had given me the impression she must like either healer characters or magic, or both, plus what she'd said about her family members.

"Eh? Sensei is so close to Shun," Rina muttered jealously. She was giving a pouty face too, which didn't help. She sort of got close and face to face with sensei, but her behavior bothered me more than sensei's.

"Eh? Really? Ahh, ah s-sorry! I'm just scared I guess and Shun seems safe and reliable. I'm sorry!" Sensei apologized and stopped holding my arm, but she stayed close by. She looked kind of embarrassed. But she kept staying so close I could feel her warmth.

"Rina, it's OK. You are going to have to accept that Shun is going to be involved with others," Yumi teased.

"Eh...but...but I need him more. I need some treatment soon too don't forget me," she scowled. In response to this Asakura was trying to hide a smirk on her face.

"I won't forget," I said.

"But I need you too," Yumi reasoned.

"Are you talking to me or Shun?" Rina asked.

"Uh, both..." Yumi somehow had a dejected look.

"So we're calling heals for Rina her 'treatment' then?" Asakura confirmed aloud. She had her tongue in cheek and appeared to be thinking about something, but I couldn't guess at what.

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