Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver 51

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Chapter 51

Day 11 since entering the gnomes' warren...

I awoke startled when there was a rushing of booted feet all around. The gnomes were all in a flurry like a bees' or ants' nest that was being attacked. They were also emotionally riled up with wild looks on their faces of panic. Just the look on their faces you could see vividly something really awful was happening.

I shot up sitting up straight from the bed area. I was still in the field hospital tent but it'd also been converted into some kind of troop gathering area too, since it was a symbol of hope.

"What's going on?" I asked some of them that were running by.

It's obvious that something bad is happening.

I hurt really bad but managed to sit up. The pain spurts didn't feel good. I had to move slowly. But at least I'd healed up some. I could also see I wasn't bleeding anymore but there were a lot of bandages on me.

I cast another heal on myself to be safe.

"Big spiders are coming," one of the elders just said.

"But how can that be? I don't understand what he means," Vira says in a panicked voice. It's the first time I notice she's sitting near me on another cot. But unlike me, she wasn't asleep. We didn't have a lot of other spare clothes or equipment but somehow she's also gotten some kind of homemade shin guards on. They look kind of shabby though, so I doubt they will add much protection to her gnome overalls.

"What?" I was confused.

"Spiders have breached our underground entrance," one of the guards said seriously. The meaning of what he'd just said overruled my thoughts about why a guard gnome would be able to understand our language when most of them can't.

"Eh?! How can that be?" I exclaim.

"It's true, we've already had training meetings for this sort of thing. Apparently it's happened before," Vira said to confirm.

She was getting up and looking out the front tent door flaps to keep an eye on things. "We had anti-spider drills for the last few days. They apparently sneak in here often."

I thought this place was safe?" I exclaimed.

"It normally is. But there are underground predators like the spider's nest nearby," The gnome guard said. It was the same one that had been keeping an eye on me yesterday.

"Damn," I accidentally curse.

The gnomes were still running all about around us. Slowly they were all getting into weapons and armor. But armor took time to get into and that required help too. Normally people needed an assistant to also get into a set of armor since there were a lot of straps and buckles, plus feeling the weight while you were trying to move around. Then they had to test it for movement and making sure nothing would shake lose.

The gnomes were making a formation but it wasn't going quick enough. It felt really slow.

Only about twelve of them were ready in full gear.

"Hurry, they are coming," the gnome guard said.

We left the tent together with the gnome troops, with me and Vira in tow. Somehow I felt like I should be involved with keeping an eye on them. If anyone had a good chance at surviving it would the ones with a healer in the back row even if I wasn't at full strength.

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