Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 31

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Dreamweaver chapter 31

"Hey be careful and stay moving. We have to go around through by sneaking in and trying to go for areas the orcs haven't infiltrated yet. But they still might have roaming solitary scouts deeper into the woods that we have to avoid. Then we can come around and get behind the other side of their lines as we move in hopefully undiscovered in the process," The ranger kid said.

"Stay close," he called beckoning us impatiently to hurry up the deer trails. He had a way of sometimes staying low in the long tall grass when moving to try to minimize how much of himself was visible.

He'd led us like this for some ways already, intending to help us survive and promising we'd be helped in return, although it was probably an empty promise many of us felt anxiety about having our fellow students whom we'd known all our life become an extinct population. Thus we'd agreed to go after a vote, which I know they'd somehow regret later. I hoped it would work out too, but somehow I doubt adversity would always be profitable.

In the end though even though I didn't believe him I knew there were more orcs behind us than ahead of us. So it made sense to try to use whatever was in front of me to try to keep going and stay alive.

The rest of us tried to imitate his sneaky type of moving too, but we weren't quite as good at it and it wore at your muscles trying to do so. Moving like that also made your knees tired and could give you a backache if you hunched over while moving like that. But for the rangers somehow they made it seem easy and light to do, which it was not. Was that part of their beast mimicry magic?

I wanted to stop and ask them but we didn't have the time for it. Yumi seemed OK moving even, thanks to the stress resistant functions of the energy shield.

"This sounds scary, and I can't believe I've already been in a real battle," Asakura said, her hand on my shoulder.

"Just stay close. We'll get through it," I said. I wasn't trying to mean anything special just that separating from the group is basic behavior to get into trouble, but before I could resume moving suddenly Sensei ended up giving me a quick hug and making me blush. It was shocking, she felt very soft and warm. Her bulges pushed up against me. Oh, this felt good. Plus her blouse and skirt were really thin, so I could feel her body more than I should have.

I broke away, afraid I'd want to stop too long in her hug; plus it was awkward to be suddenly embraced here. Plus Rina was giving me a jealous look. She looked like she was angry too.

"You aren't claiming brother are you?" I thought I heard her whisper.

But Asakura turned before I could see her facial reaction.

What was that about?

I couldn't worry about it any longer but kept moving with the others.

We tried to go for the deep part of the woods with more cover. But that by itself also was almost as scary as meeting with orcs because it meant we would have no warning if any of them came from out from the brush, and the space became more closed in. There was also no guarantee there weren't other predators and creatures hiding in the dark here, since we knew very little about this world.

In fact, because there were no towns in this valley or the area near it, the chances of having predators in an evil world like this seemed extremely high. I suspect the ranger also 'felt' this inside of him, though he might not be thinking of it consciously.

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