Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 28

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Dreamweaver chapter 28

These nine viscous creatures were obviously more experienced and some kind of upgraded orcs. They also looked stronger with rippling muscles compared to the ones in the demon box dream state. Plus the fact that the larger orcs created more fear from their wicked presence.

These also had interesting feather and skull decorations as part of their tribal insignia. We started to notice there also were pained symbols on their shoulders or on their chest, with some kind of rank markings too. Some of the jagged symbols differed from each other, but still all of them seemed to be symbols of violence and cruelty like slashes, skulls, claws, teeth, or spears. Orcs obviously didn't value clothes much, but rank insignias were very visibly large in bright colors from various dyes on their bodies, showing their militaristic lifestyle.

Suddenly to our shock and horror the nine really big orcs were running towards us. I heard some of the others praying, and some of them swearing from the stress.

"Why do people want to be adventurers in stories? It looks scary," Rina suddenly said.

"I don't know either Rina. It doesn't make any sense," Asakura responded.

"Ahh crap," Yumi gasped. She was trying to stay ready, but I could see her and the others were terrified, almost to the point of shaking in their boots.

The orcs hit us with full force and tried to bowl us over with their inertia and battle rushing techniques. In order to do so they had charged and ran fast suddenly, but Akira instantly chopped his log down and crushed the first leading orc's face and skull. I also then noticed, it was partly because Akira's hands were bigger that he could wield such a log, which I hadn't picked up on before.

Seeing the lead orc die instantly didn't help the enemy in front of us. That had a lot of impact on the morale of the other orcs following him. A lot of the rest of us either dodged, or parried as they ran into us.

Remembering way back in middle school during recess that I would end up dropping the ball, whenever I flinched when someone threw it to me I knew in order to not 'drop the ball' here it would require full concentration in the same way. I instead embraced the idea of smacking into the orc up close without closing my eyes or flinching. I would have to be unafraid of them hitting into me, but cutoff their blow before it would connect and watch for the timing carefully of both together.

The one big orc charging me had swung his club down so hard on my axe blade that the durable steel had made his club snap in half. He was surprised, but then saw my axe was a vastly superior metal alloy to the orcs' own homemade wood spears and clubs.

So instead, he'd pulled out a secondary hand axe of some kind, also primitively made proceeding to follow up with a new approach. So the harder he swung or attacked me the more a brittle non-metal weapon would be against the axe. But then he adapted and realized he had to be careful of his weapons breaking and that he didn't have an infinite supply of weapons. Some of the others had a benefit of defense against the charges with their long handled sturdy spears.

But I was lucky I had a sturdy alloyed axe and not a sword. An axe blade is wider, got more depth, and less narrow than a sword and therefore more durable; being built to take pressure, but a sword blade would have gotten notched or damaged on a heavy swing like that I think. Even if it didn't get nicked or damaged now, in the future it could easily happen.

Some of the kids weren't able to parry effectively though, and nearly died in the first crash of forces against each other. They knocked over one of the smaller kids that had recently joined us, and Sensei and Rina only stayed alive because the extra spear length had let Sensei brace her foot on the spear butt. With it being on the ground it forced the one that attacked them to be instantly gutted as it ran against the sharp end of the spear, providing that the first strike wasn't missed. Rina tried to follow her example, but was a bit clumsier, thus they both concentrated on the same orc. Yuriko fell to the ground also from the orc charge, but before she could be finished off Akira kicked his foot into the orc's chest plate, making it shrink back and yelp as it was knocked back harshly into the dirt.

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