Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 35

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Dreamweaver chapter 35

The battle kept going on endlessly. I felt so tired, and my weapon felt heavier than before. But somehow I was hanging in there.

More kids were wounded, and dying.

But on the plus side of things the brethren of the orcs' blood and guts made trudging up the slope much harder and more dangerous for them. They were trying to overcome this and push harder but had to look for the rocky spots instead of the sandy spots. Not all of them had good shoes or boots either, so that hurt in other ways. Some of them had cheap sandals it seemed, which were also stolen from previous prey.

This helped slow down the gap of them trying to get at us. But it still didn't stop them.

Akira yowled like a wild demon and was everywhere kicking with his feet and swinging his log. For about an hour after that he'd found he could do really fast sharp power kicks with his hoofed feet and managed to use the lethal move on at least a dozen orcs that way, while Yuriko was in tow protecting his back as he roamed. The kicking spree also saved his arm strength for later while he fought.

Sometimes I'd hear Yuriko remind him to not leave her alone. But that only increased his kicking spree.

It seemed that without realizing it, Akira's extra strength had blinded him to how much the rest of us were suffering however. So while he roamed about hitting the larger resistance orc pockets he was helping out a ton of people and holding our defense line together, but he'd also forgotten the core group of us who had helped him and been with him from the start and how vulnerable we were all feeling.

We were on our own.

"Don't leave us Shun!" I'd sometimes hear Asakura cry out. Or sometimes it was Rina. The massive death and carnage had made both of them afraid I'd abandon them to save myself.

I'd been near the front ironically near Akimoto of all people to my astonishment. He stayed close to me, with his aides while I was protecting Rina and Sensei. But it seemed to be the most bizarre situation that I could never have possibly imagined ending up fighting with him cooperating with me. We covered each other despite the fact that we were both still angry over what had happened and I could see he was still going to be upset for probably weeks or even months; but he also respected strength that would help him survive.

Of course I still felt he should be punished, but right now orcs were worse than he was? (I think...) Would he turn on me and go after the weak again?

"Where the hell is Kenji? He should be here fighting too," Akimoto suddenly asked while we kept hacking at orcs. He seemed expectant like I might know something, watching for a reaction.

"Kenji? Good question," I said. As long as he wasn't by Rina it was OK; but I didn't want to say that because I didn't know what kinds of secret deals Akimoto, and Yuta had made with people already.

"Eh? What brought that up?" I replied.

"I thought he was with you. Kenji probably can't fight worth a darn, but his zombies might be able to. If you are trying to hide him from us it won't work. We already know he's been doing more of his 'recruiting' the dead," he said.

He just said zombies; as in meaning more than one zombie? Uh oh...

I glanced back to make sure Rina was close, but it was just my paranoia. Whew. I wiped the sweat off my brow with the back of my wrist.

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