Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 29

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Dreamweaver chapter 29

"But what are the rest of us supposed to do?" Akira asked nervously. We were now having a good ten second rest but soon more orcs would hit us.

"We have to basically keep them from swarming Yumi. While her shield does seem to have anti-grappling, the effectiveness will be reduced the more that go after her. She could easily be tripped up or have them try to go after her on the sides or back behind the shield too," Sensei encouraged.

"Is that OK Shun?" she asked me.

"That sounds about right. We do crowd control and try to stay alive, while she buys us time to figure out how to deal with that monster," I said. "So Akira, you stay next to her and pick them off as much as you can so she can concentrate on the lead ogre. But don't engage him too much. He may anticipate some of your moves. You'll have to remember your focus is keeping Yumi safe, since even with your great strength you don't have some kind of damage cushioning like the shield gives."

"Got it," he said.

"Rina..." I started to say.

But she interrupted me, "I'll just try to stay alive and not run away," she whimpered.

The ogre didn't even try to run at us, though the other orcs did. He just let them loose like a wave of fodder ahead of him. He'd finally gotten together what he considered to be a good enough sized little platoon that was running straight at us. Ironically not very many of them were big, probably so he could intimidate them more. But he made up for it with their being a good number of them.

I wondered why he was waiting in the back, but then realized he was letting the smaller orcs try to cut us up, while learning our movement patterns, and trying to tire us out. It was the strategy of a rather cunning opponent that had survived a lot of trouble before. But still he edged closer, while he was leering at the females in our group.

With more vigor than before Akira slammed two of the leading orcs back at the same time with his log and then kicked another. His kick was so hard that it broke its back sending the spine into a rather gross bent angle and it landed several feet away in the dirt.

I dodged the chop of an orc hand axe and then sunk my axe blade into an orc's neck as I found myself fighting in a huge tumult again. Then I dodged another, parry, parry, and then block, in quick succession. Then I swung the axe low and bit into an orc spine just above the hip. I could do a finishing blow opening right before parrying the next one that took its place. Then it seemed like I was repeating the whole sequence of blocking all over again, not just for myself but to cut them off from running to go to Rina and Sensei.

I struggled and the tumult seemed to carry me so much so that I feared I'd be trampled into the ground at times. Even without being plowed under by the orcs I could at all times feel how dangerous and precarious our position was.

But still I had to keep a general idea of where the ogre was at all times.

"This is," Yuriko gasped. Somehow she'd kept herself up too. She was more athletic than she looked.

"Hang in there," Akira encouraged.

"All work generally is," Sensei tried to encourage but sounded pretty tired herself. Her encouragement probably backfired sounding like that.

The others near us were struggling though.

Yumi managed to hold three orcs at bay, thanks to the energy shield's effects. But she kept having them try to get at her before the ogre boss was even here; which wasn't good. She was holding them well and her mana shield soaked up all the damage easily but things could change at any time. It also gave the others time to not die, basically. Had she not discovered the energy shield the stray orcs would probably have surrounded us and ended our little struggling party.

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