Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 36

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Dreamweaver Chapter 36

We weren't able to check the gnome out right away, till the hellish skirmishing stopped and we were able to verify there were no more orcs around us.

Where did they all go? It seemed too good to be true?

Even then we needed a moment to catch our breath. We had no idea how long it would take before the next orc wave would be coming forth against us too and had to see if there were some signs that would tell us that.

It seemed too good to be true. Why would the orcs suddenly pull back when they still had a lot of people around us at the bottom of the hill still? We had killed a few of them but what we had just finished off was just one block of their units put together and I was sure they were gathering others still.

Why hadn't they sent the others in yet?

Also we had to keep back students from thinking the gnome was with the orcs, which he obviously wasn't. But they were still afraid of him and terrified at everything in general, still being in frenzying mode. Because of the great fear that had come upon them they were easily riled up at things that weren't actually dangerous to them and couldn't recognize friend from foe. It wasn't actually a berserker mode however, but just mob mentality of acting on fear, not knowing what to do and no proper leadership structure. And that fear meant that some of them looked like they might attack him except the gnome seemed incredibly perceptive to the point of his glare frightening them off.

This particular old gnome also had a really wiry build, even if he was small. It was the build of someone who worked constantly and survived without a bit of fat on him...except for a pudgy little round stomach. I could feel he was stronger than his smaller stature let on. Plus, his intimidation level was really great after all. It was almost like he seemed to be able to understand us...

"Hurry and check the wounded, try to stop any bleeding you can. Get ready we don't know when the next wave will hit us," one of Akimoto's aides said hurriedly, while distributing orders and organization among the ragged survivors. It was the girl with the light brown hair.

Tch. Stupid, I thought.

They wait till now to get people organized and use their leadership skills? It's already too late.

I could see why Akimoto liked the aide girl; she was also pretty and had silky hair that just seemed to flow down. She worked tirelessly trying to encourage others to hang in there. She also seemed wasted on him.

She was trying to give hope, but I could see the look on her face was that she was discouraged herself.

Momentarily I stopped over to check on Rina and Asakura. Both of them were crying quietly, because of how many dead people there were around us, including the orcs. They were also sensitive in nature and fairly innocent so this was a big blow to them.

It turns out that Akira had been slashed across the abdomen on his right side and it was bleeding terribly but because he had so much muscle mass everywhere it seemed like it wasn't very grave. It had occurred where his shirt was now too small and where his skin and stomach muscles were exposed. Though not too deep, it did look like it needed immediate attention. The wound looked like it was about a centimeter deep and about a foot across. Some of the blood had caked and dried under it, even draining down on his pant leg below.

"I wasn't able to keep all of them from sneaking up on him," Yuriko said apologetically and depressed.

She turned to him, "I'm sorry."

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