Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 52

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Chapter 52

Day 11 since entering the gnomes' warren...

The paladin light was the only thing keeping back the spider from directly killing us.

And now Vira was slipping away from consciousness.

I had to do something fast!

It was winking out and dimming quickly while I was trying to slow it down. Where before it had been throwing off a radius of light of almost ten feet all around, now it was shrinking by the second; the gnomes were trying to compensate by becoming more defensively grounded but this was a champion spider not a normal giant spider.

What if...

Nine feet, eight feet, and growing dimmer by the second...

How do I keep it going if Vira is unconscious?

What if I...?

I had to try to keep it going!

I grabbed her hand quickly and tried to throw out mana into the paladin light to feed it, as if I was doing with a heal spell, but tried to change my mana flow to adjust to hers where my mana was hitting her wrist and artificially going into her hand. At first my mana felt reckless and like too much water pouring out. But then I began to adjust it, changing it to a small spark of mana left my hand as I held Vira's with our fingers interlocked; it was difficult but after a couple of wild fluctuations I was able to simulate it to close to what she had. I kept it going as a trickle, but I had to also keep it so it was so low in power that I could sustain it.

Strangely the paladin light pulsed weakly, while the gnomes were trying to hack at the spider in a berserk frenzy. It wasn't a good pulse but like a desperate attempt to stay alive like a dying man.

I'd stopped it when the light was at a two foot radius. If I'd been any slower it would have definitely have crashed permanently. Even the spider hesitated now as I tried to regrow the lost protective distance of the holy light. It wasn't sure what new devilry we were trying to trick it with. But it only hesitated for a few seconds. I wished I could get a better grip on it, but if I messed around too much the light would surely go out.

Further I'd even adjusted the brightness to a bit better than Vira's!

"No way!" the gnome lieutenant next to me gasped. "How'd you do that?!"

"It's working!" another said.

"********* **** ***********!"


The paladin's light stayed breathing, though it was like a half burned out light bulb threatening to die. I had a lot of trouble keeping it steady and wanted to fix the flickering but couldn't. The gnomes covered me because I couldn't even look up, things were so fragile.

I started sweating and trying to not dwell on the pain in my body and while still holding up Vira. A gnome was helping me by taking the other side of her while we kept her from falling. The other gnomes made a protective circle around us. Even if I could keep the holy light going, because I was feeding into her mana system, if she was bumped or jerked around wrong our effort would be in vain.

But the radius of the paladin holy light was smaller than the real paladin doing it after I'd managed to stabilize it. I had managed to grow it out a bit from where I'd stopped it from falling but it wasn't as good as I wanted it to be. Where it was a ten foot radius, now it was about just over half of that and the gnomes were trying to stay within the edges where the spider was afraid to do. It was suddenly a very crowded and pathetic looking circle.

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