KTAWD Chapter 8

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Dreamweaver Chapter 8

"That darn green blood is making the floor slick," Akira frowned. He recovered his step just in time after sliding on the filthy slime. Then he had to try to wipe off the gore and that wasn't working very well either. There was a lot of gore near the barricade now too, mostly from the other 'team'. I'd nearly slipped on it a few times too, and even the pigmen....orcs...whatever also slipped since a lot of the filthy slime was draining in their direction.

We'd been fighting for awhile, with both of us keeping the front line. Our shield maidens also with us were doing pretty well, Yumi helping protecting me and Yuriko protecting Akira. That was funny in a way because Yuriko towered over Akira, who was really short. Sometimes she even bashed pigmen with the desk, because of her strength. But afterwards she'd inevitably be breathing hard from the exertion.

"So heavy..." she'd often say.

"How do you do that?" Yumi looked mystified, seeing her strength.

But my arm was tired as hell from the weight of the axe after several hours. We were sweating, and breathing hard, and dirty. It felt like a bath would be the best thing to ever happen to us.

"So how many do you think we've killed so far?" Yuta asked from off to my right. His eyes narrowed at the pocket of darkness in the back of the stairwell where they were huddled together angrily looking back at us. It was a small area that limited how many of them could get up here on the other side of the barricade.

He'd used his "pigsticker" to gouge a few and was getting into it, despite having his face swollen up. I admired his tenacity. Kenji and he worked together covering each other, and throughout the whole third floor the buddy system had taken effect, as people saw the way you could not only cover each other, but also distract opponents while the other person did a disabling hit.

In order of our formation Akira and Yuriko were to my left with their people, then Yumi and I next with my people, then Kenji and Yuta to the right of us had been changed off and appointed to a team with some new people I didn't know replacing them in mine. Then finally Yamamoto Sensei and the judo kids had their team to the right of them. The judo kids were bold but made a lot of noise. But they hadn't always seen the need for shielding, because of their pride.

We were lucky the barricade let us pick them off so easy, but if it weren't there we would probably be losing. The pigmen probably fought with each other just to survive everyday and they were exposed to a war like environment. They were usually a few inches taller than us, and much heavier.

This worried me since I didn't think all our skirmishes would be behind the fences we'd put up.

"We've killed about eighty four so far. But they keep pulling back the bodies on their side of the barricade so that the gap won't get choked up," said a girl on the side as she took tallies boredly. She was hunkered under a desk though and had red rings under her eyes from crying a few hours ago. I think her name was Emi something, but I didn't know her since she was a year older than me in my sister's grade.

"How long will they keep trying to come at us?! They just keep getting killed," Yumi wondered scratching her head. She was sweating a bit and her skirt was starting to get dirty. I noticed Yumi kept looking back to check on Rina, like I was. It made me feel better knowing someone else was looking out for her, since I had my attention in many places at once.

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