Kidnapped To Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 25 Part A

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Dreamweaver chapter 25 Part A

But then something strange happened after I couldn't get Sunghee to talk anymore. I felt myself pulled through and warped to somewhere else. The sensation was strange like suddenly I was melting into the floor, which had turned into black cold goo. Then I was falling, much like the dream of when you are falling.

Seconds of darkness later I found I was a different spot where I was spat out onto the floor. I brushed myself off and saw after the darkness faded I was in some kind of medieval stone structure. It was similar to the cell from before in architecture and construction. However, instead of being in the dungeon cell this appeared to be some kind of castle training room. It had very little in it that I could pick up or use but there were some kind of wooden dummies to practice shooting arrows at, and martial arts posts, and other kinds of dummy posts for other kinds of melee weapon training.

Near those two areas another corner of the room had what looked like some kind of dueling pit, complete with greenish black blood dripping there onto the dirt floor of the pit, even though the room appeared to be empty. It appeared to have been used recently, but there wasn't any bodies left in the room.

But it strangely didn't feel like a human castle. Like before it was a bit dark, and giving the feel of being underground without being able to see any windows but this place had a lot of room to train in. There was probably at least twenty orcs worth of space to be able to train, which could all be used at once. There wasn't any real ornamentation or furniture that suggested a culture that had writing and reading, or advanced crafts. Everything seemed to be for war only, with an armory in the last corner of the room. There were strange symbols painted in dried blood on the walls though, probably some kind of death threats but I couldn't read them. Plus the masonry and the way the stone was fit together had a poor look to it, though it did look stable.

Being an orc room it also smelled funny. I didn't like the smell. It was like the mix of stale air and poor castle hygiene.

The only non-war ornamentation was a stone staircase that was near the armory area of the room and that rose up onto a parapet area near the tops of the high ceilinged walls so observers could look down into the area below. The other side of the balcony also had a matching symmetrical staircase.

If not for the pine pitch torches on the wall I wouldn't have been able to see. Because of that light I could see the armory didn't look like it had anything usable. Everything looked broken and rusted.

But where was I? Were the rooms connected then? Did this room connect with where I was before?

"Hahhhhhhhh!!!!!" I heard the yell just as the sword came down from the top parapet balcony area to attack me. It hit the ground heavily and I could feel the thud of its owner had come down with it.

"Whattttttttttt!" I fled and dodged, but the sword crashed into the earth again from a second heavy blow that was aimed at my head and missed. It was a type of primitive orc sword and then I could see an orc holding it while glaring at me with murder in its red eyes. He hissed and spit at me, but didn't seem very smart otherwise, or very cunning.

Where had he come from? How was he here? I hadn't seen any orcs trapped in the dark crystals. This was still the demon box dream pocket dimension. The demon box also didn't belong to the orc boss anymore. So how had this thing here? Was he here the whole time or did someone bring him here?

I dodged again to the left, and ran while he was chasing me.

Damn! I didn't know I was going to be fighting so I didn't have the steel axe with me. Where did I leave it again? "Have to think fast...Have to think fast," and "have stay moving,"...I kept telling myself.

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