Kidnapped to Another World - Dreamweaver Chapter 41

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Dreamweaver Chapter 41

The others woke me up early and some of them had already made preparations for the coming orc attacks and for putting our escape plan into action. Today was do or die with all seriousness. Akira had managed to get a bit of sleep, and was barely getting up. Others were too terrified for a full sleep and were sort of bouncing between waking and sleeping.

Interestingly enough I couldn't get over how amazing the power of the demon box was despite the orc problem being greater. I only had a mild stiffness in my muscles and a few bad bruises where I'd taken hits before, despite the reckless fury and training the Fox Girl had shown me. I also felt rested and ready to go.

So cheaty...

I found out Yuriko had been in charge of getting people up and making sure everything was going well. She'd not had much sleep it seems.

I had been so tired I hadn't even noticed that Rina and Asakura were both sleeping near me, but because of how rocky the ground was we were a bit spread out. Yumi was still dozing off, and the others had decided to give her a few extra minutes, since she seemed like she was in the worst shape thanks to Kenji and his zombies.

I rubbed the sleep from my eyes while thinking about my current state of mind. After all I'm not good at getting up in the morning so it takes several tries.

Now I was beginning to understand why the previous orc boss had become so strong as I considered possibilities. He'd been using the dream state to train as often as he could. He'd gotten an edge too in that he was training as if he had two days for every other person only having one. He probably actually enjoyed all the tormenting he was trying to do against Fox Girl, and she didn't even know he'd been using it to rank up probably.

In fact he'd probably only died because of becoming overconfident when we'd engaged him back at the school.

The battle last night between us and the orcs around the hill hadn't even been two hours of fighting, but I'd had more than that in personal training with someone who knew what they were doing.

Not only that, but I was able to gain loot from it, while still also being able to feel completely rested and healed up beyond a small amount of muscle soreness. But while thinking about it the muscle soreness was about still less than what I felt before entering the demon box's dream state.

So I had my own personal dungeon? I still had yet to figure out how to utilize it, but...the possibilities were endless. It was spine tingling excitement to think about.

Or was there more to it than that? I kept wondering if there might be side effects too. If it's a dark power or dark magic there must be a source for the power and that might be important to understand in dealing with the consequences.

There was a small problem in that Fox Girl said she was losing her magic in the previous time I'd met with her, and had used up a lot without being able to replenish it. That was a problem I'd have to solve or figure out if I was going to be able to have her train me still. If she had to sleep too and recover mana...perhaps I could figure out a way past that. But even if she could only do it like once a week that was better than nothing and would add up quickly.

I continued to check my gear, clean my axe, and my spare weapons along with the others.

"You still think it was a good idea to rest?" Akira asked Akimoto.

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