Chapter 136

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I had managed to get some information out of Ava. She's got fire in her spirit, but I can't blame her for her hate, since I'm the reason for it.

Eren and Mikasa were released from confinement and we were all requested to meet with Historia who had just come to Trost.

We had met up with Eren, Mikasa and Armin outside of the building. This is the first time I've seen them since the battle.

"(y/n), I see you're looking well." Eren commented.

"Same to you." I replied.

We had walked upstairs and Levi knocked on the door. It opened and we saw Hange and Jean sitting at a table, and Historia standing at the window. She was holding a letter and I noticed she had tears in her eyes.

She walked over to us and the three were already bowing and showing their respects. Historia looked embarrassed.

"You don't need to do that; I'm not ruling yet." She muttered, smiling.

They exchanged a few words and then Hange insisted we carry on with the meeting.

We went to the court room where Darius Zackly and a bunch of other higher ups were.

"The early life of Grisha Yeager, the extent of our knowledge of titans and their history. And information about the world beyond the walls. The only people who know these books exist are the people in this room right now. These texts were obtained by the nine scouts before us, and the hundred and ninety-nine others who were lost. On this day, and in the queen's presence, I'd like for all of us to assess our situation and come to an agreement to our next course of action. Scout Regiment Commander, Hange Zoe."

"Sir." Hange stood up from her seat.

"The Scouts have suffered a brutal staggering blow. In exchange of the lives of many heroes; including Erwin Smith. We have retaken Wall Maria and seized the power of the Colossal titan with all its fearsome strength. With that said, we humans living inside the walls have just learned how precarious our situation is. I'd be relieved if titans were the only monsters we had for enemies. Unfortunately, the true nature of the foe we face is in fact human. It's a whole civilization, one could say that it's us against the world. I would like Doctor Zaki to explain it further as she comes from outside the walls." Hange explained.

I stood up next to her and began to speak.

"We are a special race known as the subjects of Ymir. A race that can turn into titans. Our people dominated this world once and they fear we might again, due to this, we are hated and we are all wanted dead. If Marley got their hands on Eren and his founding titan, we're finished. They will wipe us out. Doctor Yeager came to this island to steal the Founding titan from the royal family and he achieved his goal. He then passed that power onto Eren Yeager. However, the power cannot be used unless the person wielding it possess royal blood. However, any descendants of the first king who possesses it, are overpowered by the king's will. It leads them back to square one and they cannot overrule this. The vow of renouncing war." I explained.

I looked over to Hange and she began to speak again.

"However, Eren has been able to use the power under various circumstances. It may be possible to use the power even without royal blood." Hange explained.

When she finished explaining, Eren suddenly stood up.

"There's no way!!" He blurted.

We turned to look at him. My heart was pounding from his sudden outburst.

He quickly apologised and sat back down. I turned back around and listened as the meeting continued.

Later on when the meeting was over, Levi and I went to Hange's office to have further discussions. Hange invited two people from the publishing industry to discuss what will be given to the public. They decided to give them the full story. Everything about the history of the walls and the enemies behind it.

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