Chapter 37

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Levi and I remained together for the rest of the night. We just remained on the couch in each other's arms. I felt happy and content, I didn't want this to end. It took me a while to realize how I felt about him, it was more than respect, love. I love Levi.

"I think we should keep this a secret from everyone else." Levi suggested, as he was playing with a lock of my (h/c) hair.

"I agree. It would just cause a ruckus, especially since Hange was questioning me about it." I replied.

"She was? What was she saying?"

"Well she said I should tell her my feelings for you, and that it was obvious that we were a thing." I answered. Levi let out a sigh.

"Typical four-eyes. What else?"

"Well I owe her a conversation. She said that if we survive after the operation that I need to tell her how I feel about you." I explained.

"Well you can't say anything. What would your excuse be?" Levi questioned.

"The same excuse as before. It's pure respect I feel toward you. And half of that is true." I replied.

"Aww, (y/n), you respect me?" Levi teased, as his grip around me tightened. My face flushed red.

"Of course, I do. You are my Captain, and you are someone I respect, but also love." I replied, turning my head away. I stood up and faced him.

"What is it?" Levi questioned.

"I just need to grab something before I forget." I replied, walking off towards Father's room. I went in and saw everything was the same as how I left it. I looked under his pillow and found his journal. He writes everything in it, why would he leave this behind? I picked it up and brought it back out to where Levi was.

"What is that?"

"My Father's journal. I know some valuable information should be here." I explained, sitting beside him again. Levi sat up and sat closer to me, so we could both read what was in here.

We began reading and the first few pages were basically explaining about titan's such as their weak spots, their strange behaviour and other things that we were aware of.

Suddenly, a heading to a page made the both of us gasp.

Experimenting on Titan Shifter No.5 Subject (y/n) Zaki

"What is this?" Levi questioned. I was in total shock. I couldn't believe what I was reading. I can't be a titan shifter, no way.

I began reading out loud the information.

"The first year was strange and irrational behaviour. She seemed to be remembering things that she never experienced, clearly remembering someone else's memories. I decided to not let that to continue further, so treatment to the brain would slow down her memory process and even wipe parts of it. But it appears to return after a short period of time. Her healing abilities are abnormally faster than other Titan shifters. Even human form she heals quickly, but with memory wiping it does have an effect. Memory wiping slows down her healing and even makes her sick. I have to be careful, I cannot let such a valuable specimen die so young. I also noticed the memory process locks away her titan abilities, so maybe she won't die so soon." I read.

I had to stop because just reading it made me feel nauseous. I covered my mouth with my hand and lowered my head. I think Levi was just a shocked as me.

"Are you a Titan Shifter?" Levi questioned. I gasped. Just hearing him ask me that made me shutter with fear. There's no way I can be one. How?! No! It can't be true!! Just the thought of it made me tremble. I needed to know more so I continued reading.

"Experimentation began at the age of five. After her kidnapping, she was injected with the syrim, Kenny and the fleeting the scene and seeking refuge with the Ackerman's." I read.


"No! Please let me go! It hurts! Please!!"

I dropped the book and went into total shock. I started hyperventilating and my body was shaking like crazy. My vision became blurry and my eyes wouldn't focus.

"(y/n)! Calm down, look me!" Levi grabbed my shoulders and made me face him, trying to grab my attention. It was useless, my mind was somewhere else. "(y/n)! Please look at me!" He cupped my cheeks and forced me to face him. Tears overwhelmed me and began pouring down my face.

"L-Levi..." I murmured. My vision of him was blurry through my tears. "Am... Am I a monster...?" I questioned. Levi's eyes widened to my question.

"No, you're not a monster. You are a human being, (y/n), you are human." Levi stated.

"T-Then... I was just an experiment my whole life... My life is a lie..." I cried.

Levi's P.O.V

How am I supposed to comfort her? She's completely lost the plot. I don't know what to do. Is (y/n) a titan shifter? What has her Father done to her? She's here sobbing and questioning herself and all I can do is hold her. It explains a lot. Her healing, her memory loss, not to mention the scars on her neck. Why kind of father would subject his child to that kind of torture? The look on her face looked like she had her soul ripped out. I haven't seen someone look so scared. I held her close, hoping my heart beat might calm her down a bit. Oh great, now it feels like I'm her mother.

After about thirty minutes, she finally stopped crying, but she was still shaken up. She looked at me with her eyes beet red.

"(y/n)... Do you think we should tell someone about this?" I questioned, as I stroked her hair. She shook her head.

"No... I don't want anyone to know yet, not until I have a full understanding on all this." She murmured, looking down. "Please, can we keep this to ourselves?" She requested, as she was clinging to my shirt. I nodded and held her close again.

"I'll protect you." 

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