Chapter 73

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My motto in life was to kill, and stay alive, that's what I was told anyway. My fate was the same as the other shifters. Kill the enemy and don't die. If I never left Eldia, and I wasn't captured, I think my life's purpose would be solely to kill everyone behind these godforsaken walls. I might've been ordered to kill Levi as well.

"Section Commander Hange as returned!" Sasha called out from a distance. I ran inside and we all gathered together. Hange had a look of shock and regret. Something was bothering her, or she has brought bad news.

"Pastor Nick is dead, murdered in his room." Hange spoke. Everyone went silent, as the shocking news sunk in.

"Dead? How?" I spoke up.

"He was tortured. I questioned the guards and they said it was a break in robbery. Of course, I didn't buy it. His nails were ripped off." Hange explained.

Why was Pastor Nick killed?! Why was he tortured?!

"Who would do this?" I asked.

"I have my suspicions it was the guards outside his room. It was obvious the Military Police is behind this." Hange explained.

"The guards you say? Do you know them?" I asked.

"First Interior Squad, Djel Sannes. I know it was him, because the skin on his fists were split, like he punched someone recently." Hange replied.

"Yo Sannes, is this the right girl?"

"Of course, it is, the one and only."

I let out a gasp, stumbling back against the table.

"Oi, what's wrong?" Levi questioned. My eyes were widened from shock.

Don't tell me Sannes was one of my kidnappers...

"I'm fine... Just a little dizzy." I murmured, as I sat down. Everyone sat down as well.

"I figured the Church would want to deal with Nick since he was cooperating with the Scouts. That's why I hid his identity and had him stay in the barracks, but... To think they would use soldiers to kill him... I was too careless. It's entirely my fault." Hange explained, as she had a look of guilt.

Nobody could say anything. What could we say?

"The Military Police... Did they torture Pastor Nick just to find out what information he spilled to us?" Armin asked.

"Most likely. But it was the Interior Military Police, which means there's something more behind it. So, how many nails did Nick have ripped off?" Levi asked, looking over to Hange.


"You saw, right? How many?"

"I only caught a glimpse of him, but all the nails that I could see." Hange replied.

Just thinking about it made my hands feel weird... If the MP's got their hands on Eren, they'd torture him to no end, and since they know he can heal, it makes it all the more worse.

"People that talk, talk after one. If they don't, peeling more would make no difference. Pastor Nick... I thought he was an idiot, but... He didn't turn away from what he believed, all the way till the end." Levi explained, as he sipped his tea. I looked and saw Hange tensing up. I can understand her frustration, but she saw Nick's state, I can't imagine how difficult it is for her.

"In other words, they have no idea we've caught wind of the Reiss Family. Though, someone in the government is up to no good, and their eyes are fixed on us." Levi mentioned.

Who exactly?

Before I could speak up, the door opened, and a girl walked in.

"Captain Levi. A message from Commander Erwin." The girl spoke, as she approached him. She pulled out the paper and Levi began to read it.

"I went to tell him about Pastor Nick, but he sent me off with this." She explained.

Levi's expression darkened, and he opened his mouth to speak.

"Everyone, out. We leave now." Levi ordered. We all looked at him strangely. Levi stood up from his chair. "Leave no trace we were here." Levi ordered. We all stood up.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"Just do as I say and get out!" Levi ordered. We quickly ran to our rooms, strapping our gear on and putting hoods on. I looked over at father's Journal and grabbed it, tucking it into my shirt. What do I do about my suitcase? I need to burn it at this rate. I dumped it into a sink and lit a match, setting it alit. I have nothing important or valuable so it's okay I guess, and there is no evidence it's mine.

I rushed out and we grabbed our horses. We rode to the mountains and by the time we made it to a safe distance, it was dark, so our coverup was a success. We heard horses nearby and we hid in the trees. They rode to the cabin and kicked down the door to search the place.

"It was a good thing we left then. Otherwise we would have been in trouble." I murmured.

The place was swarmed with MP soldiers. We had shotguns in our possession just in case.

"That was close... If we hadn't left right then, what would've happened to us?" Connie wondered.

"But why? What would make Commander Erwin...?" Armin murmured, glancing over at Levi.

"New orders came from the government. There's been a freeze on all Scout Regiment activity outside the wall. They're telling us to hand over Eren and Historia." Levi explained.

Everyone let out a small gasp.

The girl known as Nifa spoke up.

"By the way, right after he gave me the message... the Military Police came for him..." She explained.

"That's treating him like some sort of criminal!" Hange yelled.

"Someone's not working from the shadows anymore. They're moving for all eyes to see." Levi pointed out.

"To go that far to protect the wall's secrets... What's more, why do they want us to hand over Eren and Historia? Not to kill, but for them to obtain?" Hange questioned.

"Why knows. Anyways, it's clear the enemy is after these two. Loitering around here is dangerous. We're moving her and Eren to Trost District." Levi explained.

"Why? That's the same place Pastor Nick was killed." Moblit pointed out.

"It's worse to head towards the interior. With Trost in a panic, it should be easy to slip in. And somehow if it comes down to it, we can use these in the city." Levi mentioned, as he pointed towards the 3DM Gear.

"True... It'll be to our advantage if something comes up." I murmured.

"Plus, not knowing the enemy puts us in a tough spot. We need to find out who's behind this." Levi stated.

"He's right. We can't fight what we can't see. Knowing the enemy should be a priority right now." I mentioned. Everyone looked over.

"Hange, lend me some of your squad." Levi requested.

"Of course." Hange looked down for a moment, then looked back up. "All right, I'm going after Erwin. Moblit's with me. The rest of you will follow Levi." Hange ordered.


Hange and Moblit went towards the horses. Eren quickly moved forward towards her.

"Hange! Here..." Eren held out a piece of paper. "I remembered a conversation between Ymir and Bertolt. Didn't get the time to tell you, but it's here." Eren explained. Hange took the slip of paper and put it into her pocket.

"Alright. I'll take a look at it later." Hange replied, as she mounted her horse. She quickly rode off.

"Right, let's move." 

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