Chapter 61

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It's cold, its dry, the smell of blood nauseates me. I open my eyes to see that I am beyond the wall. Another expedition has taken place. But for some reason, my weapons and gear were gone, I was defenceless, as the sight of my fallen comrades haunt my vision. Titans left and right snacking on anyone they can get their hands on.

I am weak out here. I'm going to die on my own.

"Levi! Levi! Where are you?!" I cried out, as I felt tears emerge. Levi was nowhere in sight, in fact, it appeared that I was the only one alive. Does mean Levi is... No, he can't be.

"LEVI!!" I screamed from the top of my lungs.

Suddenly, a loud thud came from behind me as the ground shook furiously. I turned and saw a titan has fallen. I yelped and slipped backwards, landing in a puddle of blood.

"Ahh!!" I screamed as my hands were covered in blood. I looked up and saw the titan was in fact my mother. My heart stopped for a moment. Her nape was slashed, and her body was steaming up. I began hyperventilating.

What was happening here? Why was my mother a titan, and who killed her? Where's Levi?

I slowly stood up, and walked over, to see a figure of a person standing on top of mother's back. I rubbed my eyes and saw that it was Levi himself. I let out a loud gasp which caught his attention. He turned his body towards me and he stared at me with the same look he had when we first met in Erwin's office.

"Levi?! What's going on?! What did you do?!" I asked, referring to my mother's rotting corpse. Levi didn't say a thing, instead he jumped down off the titan and landed in front of me. He drew back his blades and immediately pulled me into a tight hug. I was confused as to what was happening. He just killed my mother, and he and I were the only ones alive out here.

"It's okay now. I just killed the monster that was a threat." Levi murmured, as he stroked my hair with his bloody hands.

"Monster? That was my mother!" I blurted, looking at him. His expression remained still.

"That thing was not your mother. All titans are monsters. They kill people for the sake of killing, that is not your mother, that was a monster." Levi explained in his cold voice.

He's right, I mean titans have no conscious as to what they were doing. Still though, they never chose to be this, none of them did. They are all innocent at heart.

"No, she may be a titan, but it's not her fault. She never would have wanted this." I responded, as tears ran down my cheeks.

"(y/n), they are all monsters no matter how you look at it. All titans deserve to die."

"No! You're wrong, Levi! They are all innocent!" I cried, as I clenched my fists.

"Is that so?" Levi questioned, as his expression grew darker. I looked at him feeling nervous. What were his intentions?

I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, when all the sudden, a sharp pain hit my chest. I gasped and opened my eyes to see Levi's blade penetrating my chest. Blood immediately soaked my chest and ran down my body. The pain was excruciating, nothing I've felt in a long time. I coughed up blood and my knees felt weak. I lost the strength to stand, and I began to fall.

Levi quickly rushed over and caught me before I fell. He took the blade out of my chest which caused me to cry out in pain.

"W-Why...?" I asked, as my voice was shaking with pain.

"All monsters need to be eliminated, you are a monster who needs to be put down." Levi said in his calm voice. Tears spilled down the sides of my face, as I was bleeding out more.

"I... Love you..." I murmured, as I closed my eyes.


I woke up in shock, letting out a scream. The room was lit up by a single candle on the side of the room. I was breathing heavily, and I was yanking at my hair.

"(y/n)? What's wrong?" Levi asked, as he was laying next to me. I seemed to have woken him up.

I was too shocked to respond. That dream I had really did a number on me.

Levi sat up, putting his arms around me. He placed his hands over mine, loosening my grip on my hair, taking my hands away and holding them. I had my head down, with my hair covering my face. I haven't had a dream so horrible in a long time.

"Nightmare?" Levi asked, as he peered into my face. I lightly nodded my head as my eyes were focused on the sheets in front of me. My palms were sweaty, and my fists were clenching. My nails were digging into my palms causing a sharp pain to surge. My body was trembling, and I knew my heart was pounding at an exceeding rate.

My mind was unclear, and my thoughts were all over the place. I couldn't focus on anything. Is this what insanity feels like? Have I finally gone insane? If not, I'm close to it.

"(y/n)!" Levi called out, as he cupped my cheeks with his hands. I gasped, finally focusing what was in front of me. Levi. I slowed my breathing and finally calmed down a little.

"Levi..." I murmured, as I placed my hands over his. A tear ran down my cheek, which he quickly wiped away with his thumb.

"What happened?" Levi questioned, looking at me with his gentle expression. A flash of Levi from my dream popped in my mind which sent chills down my spine. I know Levi, he values human life and he wouldn't just kill someone based on what he sees on the outside. I mean, he gave Eren a chance and he didn't even know him. He defended Eren a few times in the face of danger. That wouldn't be different with me. He wouldn't just kill me based on my background, right? I'm not a villain, I have faith in Levi...

"It was just a whimsy nightmare. Nothing bad." I murmured, narrowing my eyes away from him.

"You really are a terrible liar. Tell me the truth." Levi demanded, as he forced me to look at him again. I let out an exhausting sigh and explained to him what happened. He listened carefully, because after I finished explaining, he pulled me into a tight embrace.

"No matter what happens, I will protect you, and I certainly don't think of you as a monster. You are a human being. I love you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you, so I will protect you." Levi explained, as his forehead was pressed against mine. His heartfelt words made me want to cry, but I held back the threatening tears. Instead I smiled and closed my eyes.

"I feel the same way, I always want to be by your side." I murmured.



"After all this is sorted and the truth is revealed, be my wife." Levi spoke.

I let out a gasp as the tears that I was holding back, suddenly spilled.

"R-Really?" I stuttered.

"Do I look like I'm joking?" Levi questioned.

I shook my head and smiled, letting out a small giggle.

"I want you to be my wife, and I your husband, okay?" Levi exclaimed as he had a small smile. I nodded my head with the biggest smile on my face.

"Yes!" I cried.

We moved closer to each other and our lips connected.

We've sealed the deal. 

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