Chapter 150

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The following day, I paid a visit to the orphanage. The weather was rainy today so most of the kids stayed inside. I saw a few of them running around and dancing in the rain.

I gave Lilliana to one of the carers to look after while I went around and did a few check-ups.

I went to my office but I saw Dimitri sitting on the ground outside the door. He had his head down.

"Dimitri? What are you doing here?" I asked, kneeling down to his level.

His moved his head up and looked at me with eyes of exhaustion.

"What's wrong?" I asked, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"It's Grace... She got sick..." Dimitri mumbled.

I felt my heart race as I worried for the worst.

"She wanted to play in the rain... I told her not to but she didn't want to listen, since she said it was the first time she could run around in the rain... But now she caught a cold but it's so bad... She's back to being bedridden..." Dimitri looked down again as tears ran down his cheeks.

"Is she in her room now?" I asked.

He nodded his head and sniffled his nose.

"Alright. I'm going to see her. Do you want to come with me?" I asked, standing up.

Dimitri violently shook his head and brought his knees to his chest.

"We had a fight and she told me to leave her alone..."

"I see. Well, I'll talk to her and make her understand that you're just looking out for her. I'll come get you later. Feel free to wait in my office if you want." I explained.

"Thank you, (y/n)..." Dimitri sniffled, standing up off the floor.

I gave him a gentle smile and then turned to head off towards Grace's room.

When I arrived, I saw that her door was open and two carers walked out with disappointed expressions.

"Hey, is everything alright?" I asked, approaching them.

They both turned to look at me and their expressions turned sad.

"I'm afraid Grace's condition is very bad... She can't eat or drink anymore. We can't transport her to the hospital in her condition. I'm afraid she might not even make it through to tomorrow." She explained.

I was shocked.

I knew this was going to happen eventually, but I was hoping to give her a lot more time. She's still a child who hasn't had the best chance at life. She was abandoned by her parents and was forced to make money the way no child should have to. She has barely lived up here for a year, she only recently grew the strength to walk on her own again and have a slightly normal life... But having her kind of disease, and in such an infectious place as the underground... It's cruel...

"I see... So there's not a lot I can do for her then..." I murmured, feeling my chest ache.

They both shook their heads.

"Okay... Dimitri is in my office. Bring him here or if not, just don't let him be alone right now. I'll sit with Grace for a little while." I requested.

They agreed and walked off.

I poked my head through the door and saw Grace laying in her bed, looking like she was sleeping. Her skin was so pale she looked like a corpse.

I walked over to her bed and sat down on the chair beside her.

I could hear her breathing. It wasn't good. She was suffering.

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