Chapter 44

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We ran over to the ledge and saw that Eren has transformed and was screaming his head off. He smashed Reiner's head into the wall and they hit the bottom with a crash. We stared down for a minute. Suddenly, the Colossal titan made its move. It swiped its arm towards us.

"Everyone out of the way!!" Hange warned. We all jumped away with our 3DM Gear. I grabbed the girl who yelled out Ymir.

"It's got Ymir!" She cried. We saw that he grabbed another one, when suddenly he threw them into his mouth and chomped down. "Ymir!" The girl cried.

"Calm down, she's not dead." I spoke. The girl looked up at me. We all landed on the side of the walls.

"No, this can't be happening..." Murmured a girl with brown hair in a ponytail. I've seen Eren talk to her a few times, apparently, she has the nickname 'potato girl'. I turned to look at the one of the soldiers.

"You there! Go back and report to Commander Erwin what's happened here! Tell them to bring reinforcements! Immediately!" I ordered.

"Yes ma'am!" He replied, zipping away. I looked over and noticed Hange had an expression of rage. I have a feeling she's gonna get angry.

"Soldiers! Prepare to attack! The Colossal Titan doesn't walk away from this! It's a threat to all mankind!" Hange ordered, zipping up and drawing her blades. "SWARM AND TERMINATE!!!" She ordered. I put the girl down and we all zoomed up, swarming and surrounding the Colossal. He went to throw a punch but because of his size his movements were slow. His body was fussed to the wall so he's not going anywhere. We all dodged his attack at ease and zoomed towards him.

We all went straight for the nape as it was exposed.

"He's wide open! SLICE THE NAPE!!" Hange bellowed. I aimed my blades ready to kill this bastard. Suddenly he started roaring, emitting massive amounts of steam.

"What the hell?! This is way too hot!!" I blurted, as my skin was being burned.

"Ugh! All of you fall back!" Hange ordered. We zipped away to a safe distance. The colossal was still emitting steam from his body.

"Tch, he's vanishing!" Hange snapped.

"I don't know, something seems different here. The last time he disappeared, it was more or less instantaneous. He's maintaining his form to emit heat, I think he's protecting himself." Armin explained. I walked over beside him.

"You really are a genius, Armin. Still though, he can't keep this up forever." I spoke. Armin shot one of his wires towards him, but it was blown back from the steam.

"As long as he's keeping his guard up, our attacks are useless." I pointed out.

"Then what do we do?!" Armin questioned. We both looked back at Hange.

"Now nothing except wait." Hange replied. She walked towards everyone. "Squads three and four, take position behind the target, Rashard has command." Hange ordered.

"Got it."

"Squad two stay put, Larda has command." Hange ordered.


"How long he can act as a blast furnace remains to be seen, but he'll come out of there eventually. When he does, we'll rush the big bastard. Listen up, I want you to forget about taking him alive. Destroy them, no second thoughts." Hange ordered.

"Hange, I sent a soldier to deliver a report to Erwin, hopefully he'll arrive with reinforcements." I mentioned.

"Good. Squad one look alive! We've got a date with the Armoured titan!" Hange ordered, as we zipped down the wall.

Levi's P.O.V

"How long does this damn recovery mission have to take? Surely by now they found the hole." I murmured, drinking my coffee.

"All we can do is wait in hopes of good news." Erwin explained. Suddenly a soldier came bursting through the doors. He was panting and covered in sweat.

"Commander Erwin! I bring a message from Doctor Zaki!" He blurted. My eyes widened. (y/n)... You better be alright.


"The Armoured and Colossal titans have made their move! They have captured Eren Yeager! Doctor Zaki and the others are doing their best to fight them off, but it seems impossible! W-We need reinforcements!" He explained, as he held a salute. I let out a gasp. Erwin also looked surprised.

"Understood, good job cadet. Go back to your position." Erwin ordered.

"Yes sir!" He stammered, as he rushed out of the room.

"Erwin, what are we going to do?" I asked.

"Do as what needs to be done. We are going to capture the Armoured titan. I'll organize the soldiers, for now you stay here." Erwin ordered, as he headed towards the door. I shot up from my chair, immediately feeling a tight pain in my leg.

"To hell with that, I'm going whether you like it or not. If (y/n)'s in danger, then I need to be there to protect her!" I bellowed. Erwin looked back at me with a strange expression.

"Why do you care so much about (y/n) all of the sudden?" Erwin questioned. I remained silent. He smirked. "Have it your way." He spoke, as he left. I punched the side of the wall.

"(y/n)... Dammit... I'm coming for you." I murmured. I got dressed into my uniform and readied my horse. (y/n)...

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