Chapter 78

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Eren's P.O.V

"(y/n)?!" I yelled out. Suddenly I was gagged again and unable to speak. I was still drowsy from the drug I was hit with.

(y/n) continued to cough, and Sohma rushed over to her aid.

Your P.O.V

My vision was blurry and the only thing I smelt was blood.

"U-Uh... W-Wha....t...." I could barely speak. My throat was dry, and I tasted blood. My body felt lifeless. I thought I was dead... I died, didn't I? I know I did. Why am I here? Why am I alive?



Where is he?!

Where's Levi?!

I forced myself to sit up, but my body ached all over.


"(y/n)..." Murmured a familiar voice. Too familiar. I narrowed my eyes, which hurt. My vision was still blurry, so I couldn't really make out a face. An arm supported my back and I was brought in to a chest. It was familiar.

"W-Who are you? I muttered. I was surprised that I was able to even say anything with my raspy voice.

"Darling, you should know who I am. I'm sorry I left you alone, and not knowing you joined the scouts, and all in search for me. You really are amazing." Spoke the familiar voice. I let out a small gasp as I felt the sudden urge to cry, but my dehydration prevented me from doing that.

"F-Father...?" I muttered.

"Yes, it's me. (y/n)..." He whispered, in a gentle voice.

"W-Where w-were you...? I've... b-been l-looking f-for months..." I muttered.

"I've been working. I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it was necessary for me to keep it from you. I promise to explain everything." Father explained.

I then remembered everything that I learned.

I leaned over away from him and glared at him as my eyes came back into focus.

"No need, I already know everything." I said, as I remembered everything he did to me over the past twenty years.

Father looked at me with confusion, as he moved himself away.

"You do?"

I nodded and pulled the journal out from under my shirt. It had blood splatters on it, but it didn't seem to be affected.

"I know everything; about me, about titan shifters, and... what you did to me..." I murmured.

"You mean the injections? I did that for your own good. I meant no ill will. I did it to keep you alive." Father explained, with desperation in his voice. He's not lying, but that doesn't mean I trust him.

"You kept me alive all this time, and what for?" I asked, as I clenched my fists. Father remained silent as he gazed at me with tired eyes. "Tell me, what was the reason you kept me alive? So, you could continue experimenting on me?!" I asked, as my voice grew louder.

"I did it for your mother. I promised her I'd keep you alive!" Father cried, as grief and remorse clouded him. I let out a small gasp and stopped.

"You promised? Why? Why would you do that?!" I asked, as tears formed in the corner of my eyes as mother was mentioned.

"Because I loved her!"

I froze. He loved her?

"What do you mean you loved her? As a sister, or friend, right?" I questioned. Father shook his head and looked directly at me.

"I loved her with all my heart. We were... former lovers.... However, my brother, your biological father was set up into an arranged marriage. They got together and not long after, Dina was pregnant with your brother. After she found this out, she began to fall deeply in love with Grisha. She eventually forgot about me and treated me like her brother-in-law." Father explained.

"W-Wait just a second... you and my real father are brothers? But that doesn't make sense... Your last names are different..." I murmured, feeling confused.

"We have different fathers. My father was murdered shortly after I was born. My mother kept the name Zaki, and remarried to my current father, and had Grisha, then Faye."

Faye? Who's Faye?

"My sister was murdered by the Military, mauled by attack dogs. Afterwards, Grisha changed and joined the Eldia Restorationists, and eventually met Dina. I however went into the direction of medical science, becoming a Doctor. I met Dina around the same time Grisha did. We fell in love; however, it was never meant to be. Dina left me, gave birth to Zeke and eventually had you." Father explained to me.

"What are the Elida Restorationists?" I wondered. Father's eyes sharpened from the mention of the name.

"It's something both your parents were members of. Let's just say, it was a revolt against the Marlyians. Grisha, and a few more individuals wanted revenge to the Marley's for stealing the Founding Titan."

"They did what?!" 

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