Chapter 117

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There was silence in the room after Shadis explained his story.

"So that's it... I see..." Eren murmured.

"At least now I know the real reason why you chose to resign. Not to atone for all the soldiers you got killed, but that you realised that you're not a special snowflake, just a delusional self-centred child." Hange pointed out, harshly.

"Lay off him, Hange." Levi said.

"You had no right to keep all of this to yourself, just to spare your own ego! We pledged to give our lives and our hearts to the good of mankind!" Hange shouted, as she stood up and punched her chest.

"Please let it go, Hange. The Commandant was right; just like him, I was never special. Looks like... I was just the son of a man who was. That's all there is to it." Eren murmured.

What does that make me, then? Am I special? What's my real purpose in all this...?

"After I yelled at her, this is what your mother said back."

"Why should anyone have to be special? That just isn't the way I like to look at things. And when it comes to my child, I don't care if he grows up to be great. My son doesn't have to be better than anyone. Afterall, just look at him. He's so cute. I think Eren's special enough already. For no other reason, rather than he was born into this world."

"And you... Just like your father wanted, chose to set your life ablaze and let it burn to ashes outside the walls. I tried, but in the end it all came to nothing. I couldn't change a thing. I'm merely a bystander."


After to listening to Shadis, everyone went outside and got ready to leave. I stayed behind because I had more to say.

"What's your story?" Shadis asked.

"I don't have one. I was brought here, just so I can guide Eren down the right path. Just like Grisha would have wanted. He tried to do the right thing from the very beginning... but the world was his enemy." I explained.

Shadis turned his gaze out to the window.

"Thank you for sharing your story. I'm glad I got to know a bit more about what my father was really like." I mentioned.

"What about Sohma? What's he up to these days?"

"I... don't know. He used me for entirely selfish reasons. He thinks what he's doing is good, but now he's considered an enemy." I answered.

"I see..."


We rode on horseback back to Trost district.


The next week, Zachery summoned us for a meeting. Hange, Erwin, Levi and I all attended, even Pyxis was here. We waited in his office, with the titan syrim sitting on his desk.

Zachery walked through the door.

"Looks like I'm late, sorry." He walked over to his desk and sat down.

"Have any luck? Were you able to establish what's in the container?" He asked, looking at Hange.

"We have a vague idea, but unfortunately with our technology I'm afraid we can't dig much deeper. Like we've heard from Eren and Historia, it seems to originate from some sort of human body fluid." Hange explained.

"It's titan spinal fluid. It has the power to change you into a mindless titan. However studying it up close is out of the question since it vaporises when exposed to air. Eldian technology is no doubt far more advanced than us. Well... Marly is in charge of that anyway. However I don't know how the Reiss family were able to pull it off." I explained.

"Hmm... In that case, rather than tamper with it, we should put it to use for our current objective." Pyxis suggested.

"But to whom do we entrust it? To you Erwin?" Zachery asked, looking at him.

Erwin placed his hand over his stump of an arm.

"No. With my wound it would be a poor choice. This syringe, it belongs in the hands of someone elite; someone with the best odds of survival. Levi, will you accept it?" Erwin asked, looking in Levi's direction. Levi raised his head and returned his gaze.

"If it's an order, just say so. Why even bother asking?" Levi questioned.

"When we need to use this, there may not be time to plan. We'll be relying on you to be making a decision swiftly with little deliberation. Judging when to use it and on whom will be your responsibility." Erwin asked.

"Why not (y/n)? She knows it better than any of us." Levi wondered.

I shook my head in response.

"If worse comes to worse and Reiner and Berthold are there, I'll have to use my titan abilities to fight Reiner off, since I'm the only other person whose titan is shielded with armour. Even if the beast titan is there, it'll be my job to fight him off." I explained.

Levi went quiet.

"Will you accept it?" Erwin asked once again.

"If this dream of yours comes true, what will you do then?" Levi questioned.

"I don't know. I won't, not until it happens." Erwin replied.

"I see. Alright, I'll do it." Levi answered. He walked over to the table, closing the case and putting it into his pocket.

"Now then, I'd like the discuss that work of mine. As you know, I'm hoping to unveil it soon. Have you given it any thought?" Zachery asked.

I felt so uneasy with that question and I can tell the others did too.

"You mean you still haven't given up on that? If the public were to see such a repulsive display..." Pyxis spoke.

"The trust they have in the Military will shatter. There will be no hope on regaining their trust..." I added.

"You don't know art when you see it." Zachery commented.

I scratched the back of my neck, feeling uneasy.

"Not in public, please..." I muttered.

"L-Let's go now. I think we've wrapped up today's meeting. Until next time." Hange spoke up.

"Y-Yes I agree. We're off now." I muttered.

"Hang on a second. One more thing." Zachery spoke up.

"Yes?" Hange answered.

"I need to speak to (y/n) and Erwin alone." He requested.

I felt a chill run down my spine.

"W-What for...?" I stuttered.

"You'll see." Zachery answered.

Hange patted my shoulder and left. Pyxis and Levi also left without saying a word.

Then it was just the three of us alone in the office.

"What did you want to talk about?" I asked, putting my hands behind my back.

"Erwin and I were talking about you, and how much you have assisted the Scouts since you came here. Your knowledge of the outside world has helped us greatly. Your combat skills have improved, and with your titan abilities to assist Eren, we have the upper hand." Zachery explained.

"If something happens to me, Hange is going to be the next Commander of the Scouts. I want you to be second in Command." Erwin stated.

"Huh?!" I blurted out, stumbling back.

"Y-You want me to what?!" I stuttered.

"You will be second in Command, next to Hange. I brought this up to her as well and she was very excited." Erwin mentioned.

"Congratulations (y/n) Zaki. You are promoted to Section Commander." Zachery stated. 

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