Chapter 43

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I finally arrived at the wall and I was lifted onto there by a few soldiers. I saw Eren standing around with a few people. He looked around and he noticed me.

"(y/n)! What are you doing here?" He asked, as he ran over. Armin and Mikasa followed.

"I received a letter from Commander Hange, she requested my services here. How did the recovery mission go?" I asked. Eren smiled.

"I finally managed to do my first 3DM kill!" Eren cheered. I smiled to his response.

"Not until you got yourself tangled and fell over." Mikasa mumbled.

"S-Shut up!" Eren blurted. I giggled and looked around. I saw two men, one blonde and the other brunette. They looked stressed and they were whispering among themselves.

"Who are those two? Are they a part of your class?" I asked, in a quiet voice.

"Who them? Yeah they are our friends." Eren replied.

"They are Berthold and Reiner." Armin replied.

"Hmm, interesting. What happened to the big guy?" I asked, noticing his arm was in a sling.

"He got injured in the latest titan attack. Apparently, he was going to sacrifice himself for the others." Armin explained.

"I see, that's quite the soldier." I answered. I look around and saw Hange looking around the area. "Hange, I'm here!" I called out rushing over. She looked in my direction and a smile appeared on her face.

"My dear (y/n), I'm so glad you could make it. I'm sorry that I had to drag you out here out of the blue, but with the situation that is going on, your assistance is most needed." She explained, as she grasped my hands.

"So, what's the situation?" I questioned.

"We were looking for the hole in the wall where the titans came through, but there is no hole." She answered. I gasped.

"No hole in the wall?! Then how the hell did the titans get in? Surely, they didn't just climb over, or dig." I was shocked. She let out a sigh.

"I wish I could think of something. We discovered the remains of fellow comrades, especially Section Commander Miche." Hange mentioned. I gasped.

"Miche's dead?! B-But... How could he be killed? No way the titans got him, his skill is second to none to Levi's!" I muttered.

"I feel like it was no accident. When we checked his belts, his 3DM Gear was gone. And it wasn't ripped off or broken, it was taken off manually. And I know he wouldn't just take it off. I have a feeling it was stolen." Hange explained, crossing her arms.

"So, you mean someone purposely fed him to the titans? Who would do that?! I can't believe it." I stuttered.

"Apparently a village not far from here is completely in ruins. But the strange thing is, is that there were no corpses or anything like a spec of blood. The village was in ruins, so maybe the village evacuated." Hange explained.

"I don't believe it. That's too weird." I said.

"Then what are your thoughts on the matter?" Hange asked. I walked towards the edge of the wall and looked over.

"Eren was a human, and he turned into a titan shifter, do you think it's possible that other humans can turn into these monsters?" I wondered. I looked at Hange and she looked shocked at my statement. "Think about it, no hole, no way for them to get in. Village destroyed but no deaths." I mentioned.

"So... Titans were once human?" Hange muttered.

"It's a theory, it's not confirmed." I replied. There was silence for a moment. "So, who do you think the identities of the Colossal and Armoured titans are?" I asked. Hange took a deep breath.

"Those two over there." She pointed at Reiner and Berthold. I gasped.

"Them?! But what evidence is there?" I asked.

"We discussed it with Eren and the others. Armin made valuable points to prove this. They came from the same district as Annie Leonhart, and they would often talk in secrecy." Hange explained.

I looked over and saw a girl tied down to a sling.

"What happened to her?" I asked, walking over.

"That girl is known as Ymir, and she's a titan shifter." Hange replied.

"Another one?! Wait, hang on a second. Ymir is the name of the great goddess. And, if I remember, a legend that the woman named Ymir claimed to have the blood of a King and tricked hundreds of cult members for years, after that when she was found out she was severely punished and thrown to be eaten by Titans." I explained.

"Huh, do you reckon she's the one?" Hange asked.

"I doubt it. This happened over fifty years ago. She doesn't look that old." I replied. We spotted a few other members of the squad.

"What's your plan with the titan business?" I asked.

"Corner them. For now, we should head back to Trost District. There are no titans spotted anywhere, so it seems to be on the mellow side for now." Hange explained.

"Hang on, why did you need me to come if all you were going to do was fill me in?" I asked.

"Because you have given some valuable insights on the situation." Hange replied.

As we were walking, we heard shouting from behind. I looked and saw Eren standing with Reiner and Berthold. Eren looked shocked out of his mind. I saw Mikasa standing a few meters away, glaring at them.

"What's going on over there?" Hange wondered.

"Nothing good." I murmured. I noticed Reiner was ranting on, when suddenly he took his sling off. His wound was closing up. I gasped. Not good!

"Reiner! Right here?! Now?! We're doing this?!" Berthold questioned.

"Yes, right here right now! We'll settle this once and for all!" Reiner bellowed, as he stormed towards Eren. Mikasa sped over and sliced her swords at him, cutting him deeply. She cut Berthold's neck, causing him to collapse. Mikasa stepped on Berthold about to finish him off.

"Eren, get out of here!!" She bellowed. Reiner shoved her off the wall, but she stopped herself with the 3DM Gear. Eren remained stunned as the two began to transform.

"Eren!! RUN AWAY!!!" Armin bellowed, as he, Hange and I were sprinting over to them. A sudden gust of wind and lightening blew us away. Everything around was blown away and everyone was blown off their feet. I heard a sudden roar coming from in front of us. I looked up and saw the Colossal titan, followed by the Armoured titan. Before Eren could go flying, he was snatched up by Reiner aka the Armoured titan. Suddenly the Colossal, aka Berthold reached out and grabbed Ymir before she could go flying.

"YMIR!!!" Cried a small blonde. I managed to stand up and saw that Reiner made a break for it by sliding off the wall.

"Eren!" Armin called out.

"Stop!!" I shouted. 

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