chapter 26

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Sam and Deena both washed up and got dressed, trying to be quiet as possible.

Kate and Simon were on the other side of the door, waiting for them to show up, not knowing Sam and Deena were in the bathroom.

Deena pulled Sam into a kiss just before Sam opened the door. She still had the feeling of ecstasy that Sam caused.

Sam made sure to smooth out her hair, hoping she didn't give off, I just ate my girlfriend out in my hospital room's bathroom, vibes.

Sam slowly opened the door, trying and failing to stop from smiling. "Oh hey guys! Thanks for visiting me, you so didn't have to but I'm grateful you did."

Deena followed behind Sam, looking down at the floor with a deep pink blush on her cheeks.

"Holy shit! Finally! You idiots finally figured it out." Kate exclaimed, bumping Simon's shoulder then clapping her hands together.

"So you just went to pound town in Sam's hospital bathroom? I approve." Simon said as he went up and hugged Sam and Deena at the same time.

Kate joined them in the group hug. All of them laughing as they kept hugging.

Kate and Simon knew for years how in love Deena was with Sam. Deena was so different around Sam, she was so much more happier.

And slowly they figured out that Sam felt the same, but they saw how Sam dated guys, and they knew she didn't have feelings for them. They were well aware of Sam's mom, and how Sam always had this pressure on her back that constantly weighed her down.

Simon lifted up a bag of candy and junk food that he brought from his job at the grocery store.

"I literally love you so much, Simon, the food here sucks." Sam said with a wide smile on her face, she grabbed the bag from him and looked inside and grabbed her favorite candy.

The rest did the same. Simon sat on the end of the hospital bed with Sam, as she sat in her usual spot on the bed. A nurse came in shortly to give Sam pills, this time there were more pills to combat the side effects.

They laughed and watched TV together, a horror movie was on one of the channels. None of them talked about the cancer, or even being in the hospital.

Kate and Simon filled them in on all the drama at school. And how Sam won homecoming queen, but the night got canceled after what happened to Sam, so they didn't announce it until a few days later.

But Sam pushed away the thoughts of homecoming night to stay happy in this moment with her friends.

Simon joked with Deena how she was dating a homecoming Queen, and how he didn't know that was her type. Sam laughed as Deena threw a m&m at Simon.

Sam forgot as she laughed with her friends that she started chemotherapy just a few hours ago. She knew the side effects were intense and even dangerous. And they could start effecting Sam any minute.

They all forgot. Deena even just focused on her friends and the movie and the laughing, and didn't think about Sam's cancer for a moment.

But it was Shadyside and reality was cruel, and life wasn't fair.

Sam felt it, the stabbing pain in her stomach. She ignored it, covering up the pain to keep smiling at her friends so they could keep smiling also.

Then it felt like another knife stabbed her in the stomach again, then again. And Sam couldn't fight it any longer.

She wrapped her arms around her stomach, her eyes squeezing shut and she bit her bottom lip hard to keep from yelling out in pain. The TV was opposite of Sam's bed, so they couldn't see Sam as they watched TV.

She grit her teeth together as she felt like another knife stabbed her stomach. She could only hold in so much, she tried so hard. She felt so guilty as she held her stomach. Her friends were laughing and she was about to ruin it.

"Deena" Sam barely got out of her throat as she said it through gritted teeth, but Deena didn't hear her.

Another stabbing of pain, this one worse then the others combined and Sam screamed.

They all jumped and turned towards Sam. Kate called for a nurse and Deena went right next to Sam.

Sam threw her head back into her pillow, she started gasping for air and Deena held onto Sam's shoulder. "Sam, Sam, what's happening?" Deena was frantic but completely confused on how to help Sam.

Two nurses came in, rushing to the other side of Sam. One of them felt Sam's forehead and cheeks, as the other grabbed a bucket, in case Sam puked.

"She's burning up, we need to call the doctor." One nurse left to bring a doctor in, the other held the bucket as Sam puked more blood into. Sam was crying now as she she curled up with her arms wrapped around her stomach.

Deena was petrified as she watched Sam and the nurses. Kate held onto Simon's arm as they all watched, they were all scared and had no idea what to do except watch.

The doctor came running in with the other nurse behind him. "She just threw up blood, she was a high fever. And shooting pain in her stomach."

The doctor felt around Sam's stomach, then turned quickly to the nurse. "She needs a MRI, now."

Deena was forced out of the way so they could push Sam in her bed to leave. Deena followed out the door behind them then a nurse stopped her and told her she couldn't go.

Deena was enraged that someone was trying to keep her away from Sam, especially when Sam was in this much pain. Deena was about to scream and yell and force her way to Sam until both Simon and Kate held her back and pulled her back into Sam's room.

There was silence as the three of them stood in Sam's room. They was worried and terrified and Deena was on the verge of collapsing if she didn't sit down.

Sam's dad walked in then, the bag of food and things Deena's asked him to bring for Sam.

"What happened?" He asked Deena right away. But didn't answer him, she was too stunned and lost in her head to speak.

"She has having stomach pain then she puked blood and had a fever. Then they took her for testing right away." Kate told him for Deena.

The only thought in Deena's mind was, what if thats the last time she saw Sam?

She started to get angry, blaming it on herself for not watching Sam more closely. Deena didn't have any control over what happened to Sam. She couldn't even help Sam. She couldn't protect Sam from the pain.

Deena sat back on the chair next to where Sam's bed was supposed to be. Her elbows sat on her knees as she buried her face in her hands.

I'm planning lots of updates tonight and tomorrow because I have an idea I want to get to 🥺

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