chapter 102

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Sam looked around her room. She felt so lonely now that it was just her alone as she was getting sick.

She sat down for a moment, trying not to cry before she called Deena.

"Sam?" Deena's voice calling her name at the first ring made Sam smile with how cute that was.

"Yes, Deena. Do you always answer the phone like that?"

"Sam I'm so glad you called already. And no not always, only when you're not in my bed. It misses you." The sound of Sam's voice made her feel better. At least they had this for now.

"I miss it. And you so much already. I just realized that I'm sick and you kissed me. You might get the cold my mom has. I'm sorry."

"It's worth it. I'd kiss you millions of times no matter what I will get."

"Do you still have your ring on?"

"Yes of course, why?"

"I just want you to look at it and remember how much I love you. No matter what happens."

"Sam, don't start with that. We're not doing that again. We've made it through so much and all we have to do now is wait as you get better. That's all we have to do. The doctors will make you stronger and I'll be here waiting for you no matter how long it takes. Then we will go to college together and you'll be stronger everyday. Don't start that because it's not going to happen, Sam." Deena closed her eyes as she spoke.

She hated when Sam talked like that. As if something bad was going to happen to her. Deena was never letting go of her so she had to stay.

"I know. I'm sorry. I just won't be there in person with you but I want you to remember all the time that I love you." Sam started coughing and had to take a drink of water before she stopped.

"Are you okay? How do you feel? Don't lie, Sam." Every time Sam coughed, it scared Deena even more.

"I'm fine. I mean I'm feeling more out of it and coughing more than earlier but nothing major. How are you?" Sam was going to tell her everything and how she was really feeling. This was going to be just as difficult on Deena.

"You have to tell me the truth of how you feel while you're in there. There's no way I'll know about it if you don't. And I'm fine. I miss you so much but I'm fine besides that."

"I promise I will tell you and I'll tell you everything the doctors tell me. I gave them your phone number as one of the emergency contacts. Same level as my dad so they might call you just in case."

"I love that you added me to the list. Thank you, Sam. Do they have an IV in you right now?"

"Yes, and they gave me medicine to stop or control the fever and temperature before it gets bad." Sam yawned. She fell asleep at Taylor's house but she still felt exhausted after everything.

"It's late and you haven't slept in awhile. We should go to bed."

"Yeah, I'm still really tired. This is the first night in months that I haven't slept with you holding me. Can you make bring me some of your sweaters? Well they will go to the desk first then me."

"Yes, I will. I wish I was holding you right now. But I will be soon, okay Sam?"

"Okay. I love you so much. Goodnight, Deena. I'll call in the morning before school."

" I love you so much too. Goodnight Sam, I'll be dreaming of you."

"I love you Deena." Sam's voice cracked as her bottom lip quivered. She was trying to hold back the tears until after she hung up.

"I love you too Sam. I'll be right here waiting."

Sam hung up the phone and then she laid back in her hospital bed as she hugged her pillow.

Deena wasn't planning on going to school. She didn't  want to be around anyone and just lay in bed all day and think about Sam.

"Come on!" Josh yelled as he tore the blanket off Deena to wake her. 

"I'm not going," she groaned and laid back down.

"Yes you are. I need a ride. You drive both of us to school remember?"

Deena got up the moment the phone rang, "Sam?"

"What? No? This is Taylor."

"What the fuck do you want?"

This got short bc I was falling asleep again. Ily guys 💜💜 I will edit the mistakes soon.

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