chapter 72

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Deena's hand fidgeted with the ring on her finger that Sam gave her. She was in the waiting room of the therapist Sam promised to see.

Her dad wanted to take her but he asked Deena to take her because of something with his work.

Sam hid the feeling but Deena knew that disappointed Sam, especially when she started seeing the therapist he asked for.

She was worried for Sam that her dad would go back to how he used to treat her and do this often again.

She couldn't hear Sam and the therapist talking, but she could tell that Sam was nervous before she went in.

She's never been to a therapist either, but she has faith that they could help Sam with the inner pain she felt.

She had to have faith, because she knew it wasn't something she could fix in Sam. And it was way too big for Sam to take on by herself for all these years.

The night before, Sam told her about how she hated she felt this way, because she knew it was because how her parents raised her.

Her mom needed extreme therapy way before she had children. But instead she treated Sam that way and scared and hurt Sam so much Sam felt broken and needed therapy now.

Sam used to go outside at night when she got in a bad fight with her mom and just cry and yell at the sky, asking God why he gave her these parents.

Deena stood from her chair the moment she saw Sam walk out the door from the office. She could easily tell Sam had been crying.

Sam gave Deena a soft smile as she walked to her, and Deena wrapped her arm around Sam's shoulder.

"Are you okay? How was it?" Deena asked on the way to the car.

Sam sighed, "it was alright, it was the first session so we just went through the basics about my life and paperwork. But I talked about you. All good things of course, there are no bad things."

Deena waited to respond until they both got in the car.

"I'm proud of you, Sam. This is a huge thing to do and I'm glad you're trying it." Deena reached over to put her hand on Sam's thigh.

Deena thought Sam could use something sweet after the session and her dad bailing on Sam. So she took her and got her ice cream together at a local place in Shadyside that most people went to.

They ate their ice cream and Sam told Deena about the recipes of her moms that she wanted to try making, and Deena thought that it was adorable that Sam wanted to.

So they stopped on the way home to the grocery store to get Sam everything she needed.

When they got home, Deena picked up the mail out of the mailbox and sorted through them as Sam started baking banana bread that Deena's mom would make.

"Holy shit," Deena said as she dropped all the mail except one. "I got in Sam, to NYU. And I got a scholarship. What the fuck? This is amazing, we can go to NYU together."

Sam rushed to hug and kiss Deena. "That's amazing! I love you and I'm so proud of you. I knew you would get in."

"I love you too! You should call your mom and see if she got the letter for you too." Deena was beyond ecstatic to get into the school Sam wanted to go to, so they could go together.

Sam took a deep breath before she called her mom's phone number. She was shocked when she heard a males voice to pick it up.

"Who is this?" Sam asked right away which confused Deena so she went and stood next to Sam and the phone.

"This is Peter Goode. Who is this?"

Sam's breath hitched in her throat, it was Caleb's dad.

"Can I speak to Joan? It's her daughter."

Then he hung up the phone.

"What the fuck?" Sam said as she looked at Deena.

"It was Caleb's dad. My mom said she was over him and stopped dating him since his son literally shot me. Then he hung up the phone the moment I said I was her daughter." Sam sighed and retreated back to the kitchen. She was disappointed her mom didn't answer so she could see if her letter was there. But she was more hurt by her mom, but she shouldn't be surprised, Sam thought.

"That's so fucking strange and fucked up. I'm sorry Sam." Deena followed her, and moved to stand behind her and wrap her arms around Sam's waist.

Sam leaned back into Deena's body, closing her eyes for a moment.

Deena moved Sam's hair to the side and kissed Sam's cheek, then moved lips down her jaw and left kisses on Sam's neck.

Sam turned around to face Deena, her hand on Deena's face to pull her closer and kiss her.

Sam then broke apart from Deena to take her hand and led her to her bedroom.

Sam had just put the bread in the oven and knew they had so time to spare.

Deena shut the door behind them and guided Sam to the bed and for her to lay down.

Deena hovers over Sam, crashing her lips with hers and her free hand that she wasn't supporting herself on, went to massaged Sam's breast under Sam's shirt.

Deena didn't want to waste any time. She yearned to have more of Sam, to be close to her as she could be.

She pulled Sam's shirt off of her, then immediately unbuttoned Sam's jeans and tugged them off her legs.

Sam blushed at how Deena was with her, she hasn't seen this side of Deena yet but she loved it and longed for it.

Deena kissed Sam and Sam deepened the kiss instantly with her tongue.

Deena grazed her lips along Sam's neck to her collarbone then down her chest then Sam's stomach, trailing a path of kisses along the way.

Sam bit her lip as she watched Deena move down her body.

Deena had just settled herself between Sam's legs and kissed the inner part of Sam's knee and started peppering kisses towards her thigh.

"Deena, somethings on fire!" Josh yelled from the kitchen and both Deena and Sam groaned as they got interrupted and sat up. Sam knew exactly what it was.

Sam almost ran out of the room without her shirt and pants, Deena pulled her back away from the door and handed Sam her clothes as she laughed.

Deena ran to the kitchen and took the bread out of the oven. She started to laugh when Sam got to the kitchen, know that they burned it because they got too carried away.

i'm going through at some point to edit any mistakes i missed in chapters just if it causes notifications. idk if it does

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