"what if.."

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(it's part three of the what if chapters.)

Kate couldn't make it in time for Sam's dad's funeral, so as soon as she got into Shadyside she went to Deena's house.

She knew that Deena would be at the funeral and she was dying to know how it went and if they spoke.

Kate hugged Deena the moment she saw her when Kate walked through the front door.

"I've done enough of scorning you on breaking up with Sam. I know your heart is still broken by that. But I have the perfect plan. Are you finished with you and your wife's house yet?"

Kate said with a smirk on her face. She was back in Shadyside since Sam was and she planned to see Sam but she also had a plan to get them to talk again.

"Yes it's finished. The day I heard that Sam's dad died, a Simon and I finished it. She's not my wife and she hates my guts. I waited until everyone left at the funeral to talk to Sam. And all I could do is say her name and stare at her. She brought up the break up. She said she waited for me for two years."

Deena sighed loudly as she sat at the kitchen table. "I fucked I'm so bad, Kate. She looked like she was in so much pain the moment she saw me. She's still so hurt by it. She won't talk to me again."

"Sam can't stop loving you. It's in her DNA. Just like you can't stop loving her. She hates you but she still loves you. She took a bullet for you. That love never goes away." Kate said before going to Deena's room and grabbing the notebooks and Deena's prom suit.

"Seriously Kate? What are you planning? Do I have to wear that?" Deena said as soon as Kate came back.

"Yes you're wearing it. You will take these notebooks of letters where you pour out your soul to Sam, since you were too stunned to talk to her. And you're going to your guys blue house. Got it?" Kate asked with a stern look on her face.

Deena took a moment, weighing her options, but she knew she needed to try something to talk to Sam.

"Yes fine. I'll head there in 15 minutes." Deena sighed and got up to head to her room to change.

Sam packed up the last of her boxes. Sam planned to drop it off and donate it later.

All morning all she thought about was Deena. How she just said her name as Sam poured out her feelings and pain.

She was so angry at Deena. She's tried to force herself to hate Deena since the break up, but Sam knew it wouldn't work.

Sam went to the door has soon as the doorbell went off. For a second she thought it would be Deena.

"Oh hey, Kate," Sam said before Kate hugged her.

"I'm so sorry, Sam. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now. But I've missed you so much."

Sam gave her a soft smile. "I've missed you too, how are you?"

"I've been good. But I do have one request. And you owe me for cutting all of Shadyside off including me."

Sam felt guilt wash over her as Kate spoke, Sam tried to apologize but Kate cut her off.

"It's okay Sam. I know and understand. I won't hold it against you if you just take a drive with me and we can talk."

Sam was confused and even nervous to what Kate was planning, but she still too guilty to say no.

So Sam gave in and rode with Kate. Both of them catching up on how each of them are doing in college. Kate was a pharmacy major.

Sam watched where Kate was driving, and had no idea where she even was in Shadyside.

Sam was in mid sentence when she saw the blue house Kate drove towards.

"Wow this house is beautiful. I love the color," Sam said and then she saddened at the fact her and Deena dreamt of their blue house.

"It is. I want to show you around it." Kate said and motioned for Sam to get out and led her to the door.

Deena was waiting in the kitchen, dressed in her suit, and she was surprised it still fit her well. She was nervous and sick to her stomach.

She knew what Kate was doing. And she didn't fight it.

She was desperate to talk to Sam. Tell her how she regretted it everyday. How she turned into a coward and didn't go to see her. How her heart still beats for Sam.

Her breath hitched in her throat when she heard Sam's voice talking to Kate as they opened the front door.

She could hear Sam compliment the house and her cheeks turned pink and her heart started to beat even faster as she heard the voices getting closer.

"Sam," Deena spoke, as she met them in the living room.

Sam spun around quickly when she heard her name and knew it was Deena's voice.

Sam looked from Deena to Kate. She glared at Kate, "Was this your plan? To take me to the middle of nowhere to the person who destroyed me completely?"

Kates smirk left her face after Sam spoke, but she wasn't giving up.

"Sam, just please. Please just listen to Deena this once. Not for me, not for Deena. But for the love you guys shared together for your whole life until college.  If you had enough, you can call me and I'll be right back. But please Sam, just listen." Kate pleaded with Sam.

Sam huffed and sat on an armrest of a chair in the living room. Kate walked out, a smirk on her face the moment she got in the car.

thought this was going to take one chapter but there's another chapter after this one.

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